"We support all those that stand against Racism"

Good for you I support your choice to do so freely. I use to but after seeing all the looting and destruction and people who support BLM not standing up and saying stop doing this damage in our name really turned me off from it.

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OH yes I’m sure it’s keeping you beyond busy. Well if you see me say boo cause who knows when SL will hit. :grin:

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That’s incredibly tragic, and she shouldn’t have been killed.

Are we gonna link every person either side of this has killed though?

My list is longer.

Y’all are not listening to what I’m saying anyway so why should I bother.

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When I look at GD I want to see threads about transmog, transmog rating, lore or how we’re going to spend time during the prepatch. I want to see stuff about WOW. It has nothing to do with righteousness. This is a GAME and I am a customer spending their disposable income on something they wish to enjoy. You want to scream about politics, so take it to FB or twitter where it’s allowed.

Looks like this thread got moved to off-topic. Good.

For sure. I also will be leveling both Horde and Alliance characters the first week. I still haven’t decided on a main yet… my troll is resto/balance so I’ll probably be doing M+ mainly with her.