I just asked you why you were here. It was easy enough to discern it wasn’t out of love of the game… not with that transmog or lack of.
When no one can agree on what’s racism.
Pretty much.
Edit: Still confused on the logical of that, but that’s their view on it I reckon.
So you’re just gonna pretend that BLM hasn’t killed people? Typical. You clearly don’t argue in good faith. You can’t handle the truth so you rationalize it by suggesting I’m trolling.
Okay. Let me explain again for you.
There’s already been a study of almost 8000 protests from this year. This is a very good sample size. The conclusion was that 93% of the protests remained peaceful. That means 7% were not. However, toppling statues also is included as violence. I am making this qualification because… YMMV on that being violent.
Of the 7%, the violence was largely kept to one block, and was largely instigated by police. What do we conclude from this?
“Burning down cities” is factually untrue. No cities are being flattened. It’s all blown out of proportion. Let’s also remember that some violence has been proven to be instigated by outside provocateurs–the famed video of the Autozone window breaking was found to be caused by a white supremacist agitator. I hope this is a clearer explanation.
A movement hasn’t killed people. Some very messed up individuals killed people.
There’s a MAJOR distinction.
you are guilty as me. you asked me why im here, which in your mind as nothing to do with wow so you are guilty.
I like people like you… think you are the righteous and doing right – but you are just a filthy as the people you try to out.
who did the study? lets be honest here so many studies are very Bias in reporting
Police dont kill people, just some messed up individuals (who happen to be cops) killed people.
Its good you ask yourself that… maybe take some time and reflect on it more.
yes some messed up people who said they were part of BLM and of ANTIFA so they are part of the Movement.
What study, maam?
There’s no “Study” to be done.
I support the Black Lives Matter movement.
I don’t support the people using that movement to hurt people.
The vast majority of people that support BLM are the exact same way.
In the name of their movement, all because a woman says “all lives matter”, things turned out for the worst.
Has BLM dissavowed those messed up people who killed in BLM’s name?
Oh I’ve rarely been going on. Usually I log in and farm the Legion Paragon chests and then log off for the day. When SLs hits I’ll probably be on the very first day. I’m a chem major so I have a lot of homework that’s been keeping me occupied until then.
I have no idea what you’re referring to. “all lives” Is just a response by people that either don’t understand what BLM is about, or are purposely being antagonistic and racist.
They have. Meanwhile the elected president tells vigilantes to stand by. They aren’t a militia as militia are state funded.
Jessica Doty Whitaker was the one who said that, you can do the research from there.
No I don’t think BLM killed people. I do think that there are some people who have killed people during the BLM protests but
You can’t assume they speak for the entire BLM movement
They might just be randos
They could be radicals
A majority of the BLM Protests are still peaceful
You left and right people like to underanalyze scenarios huh. Not everyone looting/killing/burning is pro blm. They could be randos, and there are confirmed randos (like jake paul) who just wanna cause problems. Also, are we ignoring the fact that majority of the rallies have been peaceful or…
You clearly haven’t been reading and are probably trolling.