We study wow alot, but you dont study us as much we do to wow

Hi Bliz design team,

You probably saw how may auction mount sold out when it came out. Its because you sold what people want. I have a suggestion what we want.

  1. let Dagger able to tans mog to other weapons, like 1hd sword or mace etc.
  2. give us muramasa style sowrd, with broad blade, decoration wrting on. make sword aura trail is bigger and longer. and back mounted carrying. - wow character action is not nice if you compare with other games, but with this effects will make it better.

Try make this as a product and see how many people buys.

We study wow alot, but you dont study us as much we do to wow.

WOW lover.

Sounds lovely!

This is weird energy. There’s no need for the developers to enable you to roleplay Sephiroth, or whatever anime anti-hero protagonist you’re attempting to channel.