We shouldn't have killed Arthas

Instead take his crown. Give it to Bolvar. Drag the mostly dead Arthas to dalaran tie him to a post and let everyone throw rotten tomatoes, and rocks, and feces at him. Keep him their for his entire immortal unlife. Constantly make fun of him, deride him, kick him. Completely powerless. Completely helpless. Completely hopeless. Just like he made millions of other feel.


I’ve been wondering. What happened to the zombies that were all over Azeroth because there was no longer a Lich King?


They random people. Part of the SL pre patch event.

He was in the Maw for a while, at the start of SL.

Then was turned into a fart cloud that then dissipated in the wind at the end of it.

That’s pretty brutal.


They basically became independent. Some became Forsaken, some went dormant, some fell under the sway of other strong Undead.

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No I’m not talking about that time. I’m talking about after Bolvar was no longer Lich King and there wasn’t a lich king. We had a pre-patch of zombies, went to SL, 5 years passed, now they are magically gone with no new Lich King to keep them in control.

It’s been 5 years. Most of them killed. Not many people making new undead.

Don’t scrutinize it too closely.

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I think it just got dropped.

Well, they invaded Lakeshire and killed a bunch of people there.

They’re still largely balkanized, with no Helm of Domination there is no one unifying leader to make them into a world-wide threat like they were.

According Exploring Azeroth (an external book), they’re still a threat in Northrend and the Argent Crusade are still there chugging along with attacks happening while we were in Shadowlands.



The major problem with the lore. Always in books. Not in game.


Remnants of the scourge are most likely divided, either squabbling over resources or whose better than who…

Trying to be the next lich king, but they are still around won’t disappear any time soon, so long as necromancy exist there will always be a scourge one way or another.

Iirc it is addressed in game during the Shadowlands epilogue dialogue between certain characters.

Darion Mograine has this to say post Sylvanas’ trial

However, our vigil is far from over. Without the Helm of Domination to control them, the Scourge threaten to spread across the world like the plague that created them.

The following is a conversation between Darion and Bolvar post trial as well.

Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: Without the Helm of Domination to control them, the Scourge roams leaderless. Nothing remains to temper their aggression.
Highlord Darion Mograine says: Indeed. The mightiest among them already vie for supremacy. Like vicious warlords in the wake of their king’s death.
Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: We cannot allow any of them to seize command and unite their forces. The Ebon Blade must remain vigilant.
Highlord Darion Mograine says: And so we shall. Though Azeroth may never truly be rid of the Scourge, we will keep them in check. You have my word.
Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: Icecrown Citadel remains a seat of dark power. We must not let it fall into enemy hands. Perhaps I should return to–
Highlord Darion Mograine says: No, Bolvar. Let the Frozen Throne sit vacant. The Knights of the Ebon Blade will safeguard the citadel in your stead. Taelia needs her father.
Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: Darion… thank you. Strange, is it not? We both lived lives of service, and even after facing death itself, we still feel compelled to serve others.
Highlord Darion Mograine says: Sometimes the greatest act of service is to be present for those who need us. Until we meet again, Highlord.


Even the Blood Elf heritage armor chain addressed it. As the main antagonist of that questline is a scourge warlord who wanted to take full control over the scourge in Quel’thalas. So he could launch a massive assault on the Blood Elves.

Lor’themar Theron says: I will inform the Ebon Blade of what transpired. If the Scourge caused such problems here, I suspect matters in Northrend may be even worse.


Note that the Blood Elf heritage armor chain happens after Zovaals defeat.

So the state of the scourge, the Ebon Blade containing them and various warlords fighting for control is present in the game.

Now that’s a poop quest we can all get behind.

Get it? Behind?

Oh I’ll see myself out.

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I see only darkness…before…me…Wait, wait…I see a big blue lady. She’s carrying someone by the neck. The heck? Uther?


I know about that. All of that just was about what we experienced in the prepatch. None of it explains why they aren’t still attacking in game after we return.

What if I told you that you didn’t? You and everyone else have been stuck in frostmourne for decades as he uses your body like a puppet to end most of the world.

All those raids and dungeons you thought you were clearing? Innocent people.

Maybe one day someone will find a way to end the curse and bring you back but for now you’re the Lich King’s champion -please wake up.

SOoooo Im guessing the OP isnt a hand-wringer over the fart cloud. :smile:

Even the greatest of Scooby Doo villains have an end.

I mean Exploring Northrend basically just repeats the plot beats I mentioned. It is one of the main criticisms towards that book series. They just repeat the status quo. Sometimes even getting the status quo wrong. Exploring Kalimdor is full of those.