We should take this war to the Content Creators world

Say more, if you would

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I would but honestly, the time and energy to do so isn’t worth it given in the face of evidence the forum’s general response is “WELL I DON’T FEEL THAT WAY”. I would say do extensive research outside of the forums because most content creators, theory crafters, and guide makers do not interact with the forms…except in beta and alpha threads but all of those have been ruined by mindless spam, poorly thought-out feedback, doomposting, and memes.

Quick things I shout out is that pretty much most Enhance Content creator think 2 hand enhance and shaman tank spec shouldn’t be a thing and that posts regarding them are just spam. Also they have a preference for Primordial Wave even though they make the genuine effort to give information on Storm/DRE builds.

So why bother post in the first place if you aren’t going to back up a claim most people disagree with based on what we’ve seen?

Yeah. You’re absolutely right about that, but those aren’t the topics garnering detailed feedback on the forums.

I thought he said stay mad stay small, so technically yelling on the forums is what he wants us to do!

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Because they can, and they’re right.

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You seem to be misconstruing my statement. I’m not saying content creators think Shaman is fine and doesn’t need changes.

What I’m saying is that most competent content creators and theory crafters don’t agree with a lot of stuff the Shaman forums ask for like Chain Harvest, Pwave being removed, 2 hand Enhance other than a transmog options, and combining some buttons. They want changes OFC, but the changes they want are not what a lot of people keep posting about.

That’s never going away.

I can’t speak to that, I don’t know why that’s interesting. I’d much rather have Shaman use a Sword/Board DPS spec.

It comes from nostalgia from how Enhance was in Vanilla. People think you can just stick it in but there’s a lot of consideration and issues with it.

Yeah I know why they want it, but to me 2h Enhance is basically the melee version of Elemental right now.

You’re a proc gimmick with no fun game play and lMaO cRiTz LoL

A smaller youtuber named ‘Theun’ did a review on resto shaman talents:

Theun Resto Shaman talent review

He talks about them being outdated and talked about what should happen. Along with Tiqqle, that’s all I know off hand, but there’s more.

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Ok, I understand now. I think we’re pretty much in agreement.

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Resto Shaman content creators aren’t thrilled with P-wave. Resto’s version of P-wave needs to be reworked for sure. I think for Enhancement and Elemental it is better though, but I only play around with the other 2 specs.

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It used to be offensive as well, which at least made it interesting. Now its another Riptide which, as a PVPer, its great (except the travel time) but as a concept its boring. And has nothing to do with Shaman.

Thats the central thesis. Wtf is a pwave and what makes it shaman-y?

Nah, elemental’s PWave is the worst, at least in PvE. It’s the cornerstone of the absolutely degenerate Lava Burst spam we’ve had for 2 seasons now and will continue to have with Farseer in TWW.

The largest issue is PWave’s mechanics between each spec. Enhance’s version is clearly the best out of the bunch and Ele’s version pretty much promotes the issue that Storm Enhance does where it ignores the majority of the kit to spam one ability.

Fair point, I haven’t pve’d with ele, only pvp. I think in pvp Resto’s p-wave is prety bad because of how clunky it is. If my team is rapidly losing hp, I don’t want to check to make sure riptides are up(That’s why it’s good to always keep riptides refreshed) ---->apply P:-wave to main target---->natures swiftness---->Ancestral Guidance(can obviously be used with ascendance as well)---->Unleash life(Optional)-----> Healing Wave…I mean all of those aren’t globals so you can macro it to cut some of the fat out but jeez…it’s really not an efficient ability for restos.

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“But… but… I totally smitted that warrior with my mad WF crits…” - random old 2h shaman who refuses to admit that they only did that once… and never again.

I remember the old 2h wf meta… it wasn’t meta even back then. It was just big numbers so the “numbers go up” crowd jumped onto it seemed to enjoy chasing that high that was never really there to begin with. The old meta from those days was Dual Wielding WF… but that required you to track the speed of your main and off hand weapons to optimize the mainhand WF proc rates, since both instances of WF could be proc’d seperately and used the weapon that was off cool down. WF also had a shared internal CD to make sure we couldn’t chainsaw people anymore… now that had been fun.



When you say WW, do you mean WF?

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You could just say an OG veteran of WoW antiquity. Doesn’t sound as demeaning and harsh as this “Mangy, insignificant old has-been still playing WoW”. It’s cruel the way society treats old people (Also, he coulda been like 7 years old back then lol).

It really is.