We should get 15 Wyrm Crests for Daily Heroic dungeon reward

I feel like heroic dungeons used to be something you could do once a day for a little bit of progress with emblems of frost and valor points back in the day.

I think adding this back now with 15 of 12 wyrm crests would be great considering now you already have an infinite farm of m+ and there would not be a concern of “missing” a day.

It could give an answer to the situation of having 30 minutes and wanting to make some progress.

It could also help with easing the annoyance of people who ONLY raid from feeling forced to farm m+.

I completely agree.
It would be nice for some of the casuals who dont have the time for m+ but still want to make some progress.


swap this to m0 at least. heroic is fresh max level easy, not heroic raid level. (nor is m0, but at least a little closer).

I wouldn’t mind. Give me a little goodie bag for filling a role and those and I’ll be more than happy.

The point is it something to queue for like it used to be with emblems of frost and valor points. I don’t see a problem with casuals getting wyrm crests when you can already farm 2s with a carry.

If you wanted to do 12 aspects for a m0 though it could be ok.

My thing is just easy 15 crests that I can use towards aspect crest conversion.

Not unless they are going to double the crest rewards from raids…

This would help not having to do m+ as a raider. But they should also buff raid drops for crests.

I can’t remember…did they fix the crest drought with m+ in TWW? If not, a daily heroic should give you 15 of the normal level crests. Heroic crests are obscenely plentiful from low keys, even, but right now, the normal crest drought is real unless you go do world content or run the raids on normal.

It feels very weird and off to have gear drop from keys that you can’t update because you have to go get the crests from somewhere else.

The real question is - why is there still a crest cap at all?

We’re in the pre-patch, why not let people upgrade their gear all they want? It will all be obsolete in a couple weeks anyway.

That would be more akin to drakes crests than wyrms crests.

Don’t ever remember that. Since Wrath it’s pretty much been 6 - 12 heroics per day if you were actually using them for progress. A single heroic was never worth much unless a specific piece of gear like a placeholder trinket dropped.

There’s not really a crest cap. Pretty sure there’s more than anyone could possibly use.

The cap is just so people don’t no-life grind at the start of the season to max out every gear piece they get, which would put an impetus on other players to do the same just to keep up.

And the crest cap has been effectively gone for a while now, you can earn more than you can use.

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lol if you have time for a heroic dungeon you have time for mplus

Not all casuals are that bad at the game.

I agree with this, but we’re at the end of the season. During pre-patch the cap no longer serves a purpose. Why time gate something that is going to be made moot in just a couple weeks?