We shall go to the moon before this decade is out

I wonder how many rockets they’ll blow up this time

We are whalers on the moon
We carry a harpoon!
But there are no whales, so we tell tall tales
and sing our whaling tune!


Mostly we are going because other countries are headed that way. Its a squatter’s market on the moon and beyond at this point.

Very. Space exploration and expansion is the most important achievement that America could put its collective mind to accomplishing. Enough communist distractions; we must pierce the heavens.

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hey it’ll be cool to finally check out what’s up there

I’m glad we seem to be taking the space program more seriously.

I turn 50 years old this year, there were moon landings in my lifetime (although I was just a baby then), I remember when Voyager launched, I remember having the flyby photos from the outer planets presented to us in science class, I remember the Viking landers on Mars when they happened.

Space was a big thing back then, when we were kids. The space race was still on, it was a huge focus. And then it really went into the background. We have new things like New Horizons, Cassini/Huygens, etc., but they just didn’t get the same impact that stuff did when I was a kid.

So I’m excited about the renewed efforts into space.

I just don’t understand why Ares V was replaced with SLS. That seems like a huge mistake.


Actually the moon is 238,855 miles away. Not millions. The reason we have not sent people back is it costs lots and lots of MONEY. The initial expiditions to the moon came back with little info on what was there. They were only there for a few hours each trip. You think they are going to find anything significant in a couple hours?
Satellites and things robot probes can spend weeks and cost relatively less than send people. Think of it this way, something goes wrong and people die. Now you have to send more people to bring them back or leave them there. Which costs more money (if bringing them home). Leave them there and that makes the family angry because… well… yeah that is just bad. Robot breaks down meh make another.

Yeah about that Armstrong and Aldrin being angry about being asked all the time if they really went there. I would be too. I would get tired of being asked and doubted by morons. Better stay inside because those jets are releasing chemicals to turn your brain to mush and better add another layer of tin foil to your head to keep the aliens from reading your brain.


Correct. The Apollo program was discontinued because this guy switched us to the space shuttle instead, to “save money”:


The shuttle, of course, was not only FAR MORE EXPENSIVE than the expendable rockets it was designed to replace, and FAR TOO LIMITED to do anything of value, but is also the deadliest spacecraft in history.


Oh. Also, the moon landings did produce a lot of good scientific data. We probably wouldn’t have the Giant-Impact Hypothesis without the moon rocks.


It is only more recently that we know that Luna (a name I prefer simply because it sounds better) has ice and has more metal in it than we first thought.

It was pretty cool the info that we were able to get from just those brief landings. Looking forward to seeing what we can find with either a colony or permanent research station there.

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they can visit the alien base on the dark side of the moon :vulcan_salute: :alien:


I’m excited. I’ve always wanted to work for NASA.

It’s actually my dream to do research in this type of stuff. Not quite there yet though.

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I’m sorry,I just think we should spend that money solving some problems here before we take our problems elsewhere.In any case,how is it exciting to go to the moon,we did this when I was in elementary school,I have grandkids in college.

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Shuttle also got screwed because it was designed without a mission.


That’s what Nixon said in the early 70s when he gutted the space program.

Gosh, Nixon did a really great job solving our problems here at home with that money, didn’t he! :roll_eyes:


only reason USA is going back is because China has been showing interest with the moon.


Indeed. Thank you China.

You know, for every dollar we spend on space, we get about $100 back in new technology?
Seems to me spending money on space exploration has its benefits. Like the camera microchip your smart phone uses was originally designed for the Apollo program because you couldn’t take film up into space.

Or are you going to ignore things with obvious benefits such as your satellite TV, or Google Maps?


I thought this would be a thread about going to one of Azeroth’s moons, which would also be neat~ I may just love space stuff too much though and it would actually be dull as dirt.

On topic I look forward to it! Wish I was born later so I could see more of the fun stuff~

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Considering the time line, they should work out other possible problems which they are not even touching on for space exploration since this for long term use up to a year a person. If it is done correctly and efficiently it would fascinating.