We really need an official option for a Mouselook Toggle

I’m surprised after all these years Blizz has never implemented an official in-game mouselook toggle.

When I first picked up WoW in beta I had come from other games that allowed you to simply map a key to toggle mouselook on/off versus having to hold down the right mouse button constantly. One of the first things I did was find a mod that implemented this.

Over the years various mods have come and gone (the latest one I’ve been using is MouselookHandler), but as of today for 11.0.2 I see this mod is now broken. Now I’m currently trying the only other two mods out there, Action Mouse & Mouse Look. Neither one seems to be as useful as what I was using prior.

I can’t play for extended periods holding down the mouse button due to muscle strain. This is such an easy feature to add I’m really surprised it hasn’t been done yet.

Please Blizz, I beg you. Please add a simple option in the GUI keymaps to set a key to toggle mouselook on/off.

Possibly the in-game MovePad combined with the MovePadPlus addon might prove useful

Tf is mouselook?

When you use your mouse to look around.

Thanks for the suggestion, Fizz.

I actually tried several other mouselook mods, but none of them really were as good as MouselookHandler.

Luckily I happened to check their mod page on Curseforge today and someone posted a manual fix:

Everyone go thank Cidan (BetterBags) for figuring this out, but if you change line 803 to local currentVersion = _G.C_AddOns.GetAddOnMetadata(modName, "Version"), it works again.

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