We Rdruids still exist

Hello, this is a reminder that Rdruids still exist.
And yes, we are struggling with all the restrictions currently imposed on our class tree, our consecutive nerfs and on top of that the little ability that was granted to us to deal with strong and constant damage.

For a long time, in the druid forums many of our fellow Rdruids have had the uncertainty of not knowing if we are going to receive any good changes or not, in addition to clamoring for a complete rework of the class tree that is exactly the same as in the beta… noticing a clear similarity with the DF class tree that did not receive any changes no matter how many ideas we gave.
Also, what affects us the most is the fact of the lack of communication from the developer.
We try to keep the druid thread going with a lot of positive comments with a lot of feedback to try to help improve the experience.
Unfortunately, it does not seem that it was heard.
Since we received multiple consecutive nerfs that left the class in a very bad place both in Raid and M+ (I couldn’t say the current state in PvP).

We need some help here, since I’ve seen how priests, shamans, paladins, evokers and even MW have received changes or improvements in the quality of life.
While Rdruids, we continue to be affected in a very negative way by the lack of support received.
Even paladins, shamans, evokers and priests have received an almost complete change of their class tree or specialization while ours had almost no changes, leaving a very beta version and very outdated to the standards that the game’s content demands.

Come on Blizzard, give us some love.
The last change we received was to reactive resin and it is the only change we received on the PTR.
That’s not a joke anymore, it’s sad to know that they don’t take us into consideration considering that they have a lot of comments from all the druid specializations in the forum.
If you want you can take a look and see that I’m not lying, we have given so many ideas and comments until we’re tired.

Please, don’t forget us.

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I hope pray we get changes in a future update on ptr. I honestly think Resto Druid is going to struggle insanely in S1.

Not to forget to mention our class tree is still in shambles and let’s not even begin to talk on Defensive’s and externals.

Praying good things are coming in the future.