We need to talk about Trading post

Nothing is rly free when you pay up a subscription, it is all included

Sure those are supposed to be bonuses, but the reward to complete the bar is pure garbage, could have at last make a set to combine with the thingy

Overall I haven’t been that impressed with what the trading post has offered… but I love the Kor’kron Warsaber (the axe tail is a really cool) and I spent a lot more tender this month than previous ones.

I don’t understand the negativity towards the trading post, especially not this particular month. I think the horde themed cat mount and the alliance themed wolf mount (that everyone can enjoy) was a great idea.

Edit: I also love the Ethereal Transmogrifier toy.

Yes. Sorry I don’t share your view of the Trading Post.

I want the majority of everything on there but it’s impossible to buy it all so I compensate by buying nothing :smiley:

i refuse to buy anything. I REFUSE.

True, just things cost a lot, and the prices tend to fluctuate a lot and the promise that stuff will come back around while happening doesn’t seem like enough. Usually I collect mount, pet or toy because I never have enough for the cosmetics. Haven’t really bought a mount in the last three months because I keep hoping something I missed out on comes back around.

That said, if you buy one or the other mount this month give both or separate purchases. Otherwise, you need 1500 tender just for both mounts and a pet.

As much as i agree that the rewards are getting worse and worse, Ion will never let this happen, not his precious mount, he’d turn every other mount in this game into free Twitch drops before he’d let that mount go out to the masses lol

I find a few things every month so far.
personally I care less about the big stuff and more for things like the various colored hoods and cloaks.

That mount is never going to come too the Trading post nope nope nope…Ion won’t let that one come out again…

i like that watch cosmetic, the little moving hands are pretty slick

on a side note, i probably will buy that brokeboi xmog vendor thing since I cant afford the xmog yak, its a nice cheap alternative for me

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I buy mostly the mounts being a mount collector, but I also buy some of the colored cloaks because I like how they look.

I will agree some of the monthly rewards were not that impressive, but they are free, so not a big deal.

Some of the prices of things need be readjusted IMO. 500 Tendies for a weapon with or without a particle effect is completely overpriced and should only be 100-150 tendies.

I accumulated a little over 5K because I wasn’t all that impressed with previous offerings, I spent a little under 3K on things this month though. I thought to myself they really want people to spend em this month… because of the sheer number of good items that were included.

I don’t think you’re supposed to “get it all” you need to pick and choose and if you spend a lot one month you may have to pass on things the next. I’ll agree that the lure of “returning items” does create an uneasiness and may prompt people to save some just in case… I’ll probably try to keep around 1000 (+1000 we receive each month) for that, but I’ve never “struggled” to get the items I’ve wanted.

I forgot about the watches… love those too.

I believe you missed the point of the Trading Post. The prestigious items you have listed should never show up on the Trading Post. That is what the Black Market is for. The high, harder, good stuff should never show up on the Trading Post. You should either have to work for them or pay I very high price of gold to obtain them.

I don’t usually get involved in the transmog, though I did purchase the glaves yesterday. My DH doesn’t have many options for glaves. Nice to have a bit of a change.

I also got the horse, which I enjoy trememdously. And the sentenal mount, haven’t ridden it yet, probably will once TWW is here and I’m grounded. lol It’s pretty.

I ignored last month, nothing I wanted. But that’s ok. Basically this is free content just for playing a fun game that I’m going to play anyway. A perk basically.

Don’t want anything, ok no worries. Maybe next month, or maybe not. It’s not a biggie.

That was the confusing thing that happens to me each month is it will pop the +1000 tender twice when I loot the chest after it’s full making me thing, I got 2000 and then I look and it’s only 1000 added to my total. But I did have a system once where every other month I would buy the pet and a mount, and then off months just a pet. When a toy gets thrown into the mix it gets wonky.

Won’t lie I’ve noticed it adding tender oddly like that as well, but it’s been doing that stuff since it began. I even went back after purchasing my things yesterday and I had 100 tenders sitting in the chest to the left of the vendors even though I already looted it.

That may have worked in the past, but I do believe there are more items overall in the trading post this month. I don’t know if it will continue to be that way or if they’re simply trying to entice players to spend more tender.



Can you imagine the chaos

Actually there are three things I would really like, two off them that don’t seem to come back. And the one other thing wasn’t even in the Trading Post yet.

But most months in the past 5 months it was just trash.

Costs 20.000 Tendies.

They sell 500 tendies 200 bucks in the Shop.

Let the games begin.

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