We need to lose

Every expansion has been tales of triumph in the face of overwhelming odds and in the end we always beat the bad guy. Some of the best narrative moments and character development come out of times of loss. Just once I would love to see an expansion end with the bad guy pulling ahead. They fought tooth and nail and yet Arthas still took Quel’Thalas. Imagine the narrative potential of an army actually beating us and forcing us out of our homes. Alliance and horde forced into hiding and unable to return to capital cities as they’ve been overrun by enemies. The next expansion could be about rebuilding back, losing old champions and new ones rising instead of going to a new place and saving it from a new threat.


We did lose, it was called Shadowlands.

On a serious note, I suspect because the vision is a little different this time we may have a mixed or even “bad” ending to the expansion. I’m certainly not opposed.

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We lost a lot in Warlords and Legion.


Just wait until prepatch.

You’ll regret this post. You’ve been warned.

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We started to lose during the events of BfA. Haven’t you been paying attention?

since the next 3 xpacs are a trilogy, presumably we’re not going to “win” in this first part at least.

Don’t we lose our sub money every month for less content then vanilla (per these forums).

Sarcasm aside, I agree but the stakes need to make sense.

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Could be an opportunity for stakes to make sense if we find the leader of the distant Arathi Empire sees our homes as in need of conquering. Would be nice to have a massive scale invasion of humans that mirrored the first invasion of the orcs.

Population sizes are weird after the last war. I thought everyone was pretty tapped out. May not need to big a big sized force to shake things up a bit.

What do you mean you win all the time? Your part of the Horde.

We had points of time throughout the expacs where we kinda did lose. Losing Varian in Legion, or Vol-Jin in whatever expac that was. But we do tend to recover towards the end of those expansions and win.

It would be kinda cool if they could work into the story line where we get wrecked by the last boss of an expac and don’t win. Would setup the following expac with more high stakes and a stronger storyline.

There’s also the theory that we never actually beat N’Zoth and he has us still trapped in a nightmare/horrific vision or what not. But seeing as were almost at the War Within with its story, I doubt it.

I feel like we got our butts handed to us on the broken shores. We lost Varion, Tirion, and Vojin.

That was rough.

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Ok which team are going up against and what mmr again? Are we switching back and forth for w/l?

I agree and having one or both of the main factions take a huge L would be amazing for the story. Imagine if the Alliance had to surrender to the next big bad and have murloc (or what have you) guards posted all around Stormwind.

It would be a great catalyst for new races and new options. Maybe we’ll say, the Night Elves didn’t surrender and IC-ly are broken off from the rest of the Alliance, while the Blood Elves came to help, so you can now get a Blood Elf on the Alliance and a Night Elf on the Horde.

(I specifically name something they essentially did anyway, but with less justification, to show how things they are actually willing to do, could have better justification and better story.)

We did lose. Or did you skip Shadowlands?

This would be interesting. IMO, of the first three Star Wars movies released, The Empire Strikes Back was by far the best (and probably remains so out of all 9). The good guys pretty much got their tails whipped from the start to the closing credits. It shows how a conflict is not as simple as advancing against your opponent, but there can be substantial setbacks in the war.

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Join the Alliance. It doesn’t matter if they win cause they’re all losers.

i don’t think most people will enjoy ending an expansion on a loss. However, I do think the first few patches knocking us back -10 and the last patch coming back +2 or something could feel satisfying.

Losing on all fronts, but ending the expansion with a ray of hope soulds a lot more tolerable than losing big right at the end,and it would still allow us to lose ground overall.

Having a final raid boss that always kills you would make the World First Race take forever.

Well we got Vol’jin back. He spent some time working with the Loa, then he helped the Winter Queen and is now in a pod in Ardenweald.

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