We Need to Discuss Herbalism

Make the nodes “corruption twisted herbs” and “corruption twisted ore”, able to drop any BfA herb or ore (but with a higher chance of dropping zin and osmenite), and lore explain that N’zoth’s twisting of reality in these zones has led to things forming there which shouldn’t naturally exist.


That “could” work except that the herbs and ore aren’t tied to N’zoth but are instead native to Kul Tiras/Zandalar and Nazjatar.
Also it would only make sense for the area currently affected by the Black Empire invasion.

The bigger problem, as I see it, is that all the recipes that use Zin’anthid require an absolute truckload of it. It’s almost like Blizzard tuned the recipes specifically to take multiboxing into account.

The amount of Zin’anthid required for each recipe needs to be drastically reduced. That’s something that can at least be done without a patch.

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Looks like there was a Reddit thread on the issue today too. (I’d link it but apparently we’re not allowed to include links anymore? Whatever.)

Every one of the comments sounds exactly like what we’ve been pointing out here. This is a problem that needs fixed, badly.

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I am literally farming right now in Nazjatar and the Problem is as bad as player’s say it is,the one’s who say it isnt bad i suspect are boxers themselves.
Already seen 2 druid teams of 3,1 hunter team of 3,another 7 man team of various classes,and a 3 pack of monks but yeah of course it isnt bad at all.
Before this patch hit i could easily get close too 3 stacks per hour,now im lucky if it’s 1 and the prices aren;t coming down at all.Blizz needs to do something mext xpac.

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The nodes despawn after 30 seconds whether it’s one person or a multi boxer with 20 accounts.

The problem isn’t the one or two people multiboxing. It’s the 30 other people tapping 30 different nodes and de-spawning all of them.

The other problem is the AH as a commodities market is a joke. Needs buy offers and transparency for recent trades.

My server has very high availability ( 5-25k ), low sales volume and one to two people manipulating the price between 60-140g per zin in a regular way. I’m sure similar things are happening on the other server that share the Naz shard so multiple servers have people looking at the zin in naz like it’s a gold rush.

One thing that might help is change the despawn timer to a minute or two and reset that timer every time someone picks it. That way with 30 or more people farming in the zone they’re not despawning the whole place in 30 seconds.