We need to address death knights and AMS

We’re supposed to be strong against casters though…

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Yeah you should see RSS

Riddled with casters treating melee like training dummys and not being touched……


Just picture the DK’s tool kit against casters - then… just think… reverse the defensives / utilities to reflect a caster with the same tool kit but reversed against melee.

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You mean a shield that gives negative damage? Like the warlock one?

Or do you mean the mage one?

Or perhaps you mean the spriest one?

Or do you mean the 24 seconds of 30% DR + cast/move + snare/silence immunity on Evoker?

Ohhh, you must mean Ele having a massive Spear effect + a root that literally doesn’t break to damage atm + move/cast stun that does massive damage + defensive auto proc heals?

I don’t think smoothies realize that removing Spellwarden would just make everyone take Abom… and Abom is significantly more offensive pressure, and more annoying to deal with.

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All those and abomb was the one they nerfed lol.

Also if a caster had a good anti-melee toolkit that’d actually make them FUN to play lol. So many warriors and hunters and stuff it’s hard to even get a cast off.

Abom has no real health

First and foremost- you have compared DK’s tool kit to a 8 class caster spread - we are talking about one class’s toolkit.

And no - no shield that any class has is comparable to AMS… so please don’t try to refer SP PWS as a comparison.

I want you to picture a caster with all DK’s tool kit but in reverse to melee - include interrupts, pet interrupts, preventatives, general cc, slows, ability to get out of slows, anti grip, pet anti grip

In a nut shell The caster would never get touched and when they did - there would be shields / defensives to prevent any melee damage.

Go play a caster and try to cast against a DK - you would understand quickly instead or comparing mage shields… your class requires similar brain cells to your justification it seems.

I think DK’s are too far “wealth fared” that they narcissistically believe their little performance that requires little planning / reaction & game awareness but still deliverers such great outcome is their skill.


gonna be nerfed, don’t worry

I compared DK anti-damage to any caster classes spammable anti-damage.

You’re right. SP PW:S is better - it’s all damage not just magical, on a significantly shorter cooldown, with the ability to put it on other players. significantly better.

Like… what planet are you on? Do you think casters don’t get interrupts, micro interrupts, pet interrupts, abundant/way too much cc, snares, etc? Warlock has 2 pet stuns, and a pet silence. Spriest has a silence, a root, a fear, and aoe horrify. Mage has polyx3, nova, blink(x2) + stun removal. Hunter has 3 roots, a freeze, a pet stun, an arrow-blanket stun, and a disorient.

Imagine a world where caster dps had to actually stop and cast spells in order to do damage, instead of just mindlessly running around spamming proc/instant cast dps. Imagine a scenario where kicking a caster into a silence had a realistic effect on their output, instead of just forcing them into a different school of magic for a few seconds. Imagine a ton of things.

If you’re “completely unable to play” because the big bad 60k absorb shield every 45 seconds just “can’t be beaten” - I have some really uncomfortable truths to tell you about the strength of PW:S. Are you genuinely groaning that Shadowpriest, the class that was so comedically overpowered a guy first-time-wow’d it to 2400 on stream this season? Like God forbid anyone be able to touch the voidswap baby-gloves class between fears/horrify/dot spam/shield spam/fade snare remove+dmg reduct lmao

I have played a caster. I’ve gladiatored 3 times on Mage playing RMP/RMD… It is comedically, laughably easy to play caster dps. Especially at current with how many tools/how much forgiveness is given to poor caster positioning in terms of overwhelming defensive layers + mobility.

You just described mages for the majority of their life


AMS isn’t there solely for its damage absorb. While it holds, magical (not just magic dispel type, all magical) debuffs cannot be applied to you.


Terrible bait.

You’re right. I wonder if, that specific class in question, perhaps has some variation of way to remove magical effects from people. Like if spells are one thing, maybe the counter could be de-spell? Dotspell? Dis…pell? yeah, that one, let’s use that one.

Can we make that a thing? Can the class with spammable self shields maybe have the ability to remove magic, since it doesn’t prevent the magic application?

oh wait.

priests aren’t dispelling themselves out of cc, but obviously you’re not here to present your logical reasoning

Because again, it’s significantly less powerful to prevent possibly 1-2 spells applied to yourself than it is to be able to remove any magical effect from an ally – on 1/5th the cooldown.

or in aoe, with near instant cast.

But yeah, stopping that one sheep/hoj/whatever if you managed to predict it is clearly much more powerful than being able to dispel it as an offensive class from 30 yards away.

But, I get it, we’re not allowed to talk about wizard kingdom and the top-end meta consisting of mostly casters. Nerf melee, etc.

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We love to see the upcoming changes to Death Knights!

I have no sympathy as karma has been removed since forever basically anytime a paladin was on the enemy team

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I see we’ve spun the “what will the wow PvP community complain about this week” wheel again ehh

Ibf is the same damage reduction as die by the sword, arms only Melee reduction… Your point?

Waaaah. Waaaaaaaaaah. QQ more.