well too be fair they did give every spec every skill in the game
This issue is spellwarden I went against an affliction lock and the sucker procced 222 times.
Spellwarden was implied, but you’re clearly too dense
What keeps the dk up after they’ve used all of their cds? Spellwarden.
I’m not asking to kill any target I like. I’m asking to be able to punish awful players like you
Unravel isn’t enough by itself to break ams, and then we can’t really do anything except hard cast living flame or spam azure strike.
Idk if you gave up and are trolling or you actually think this, you got me
calm down wow token glad. you have only played me twice and lost both times
Whatever let’s you sleep at night
My typical DK experience.
- Start follows you behind pillar by himself
- You fake his kick into poly
- He lichborns
- You root into ring
- He AMS’s and starts popping every cd
- You know you have zero way to actually punish him for following you around to the worst possible positioning and CD usage without a rogue or warrior and try to live and kill primary target
- DK player proudly puffs his chest out knowing he outplayed the noob caster with his remarkable display of skills and continues training and spamming chains
Rinse repeat 1000x for every DK in every active PVP format whether its bgs, arenas, wpvp. It’s actually disgusting how anyone can play so poorly and by poorly I mean on the level of a boosted tank player in arena when its fotm and be rewarded for it.
I wish my iceblock was a 45 second CD and I could just spam it and yoloblock every minute and my shields were 4x the value and unpurgable. Its what DK feels like anymore
Oh a mage - you don’t need to worry about that extinct animal - melee have made sure they cant play
Stop right there, there is no other reason to nerf spell warden or remove it all together than removing Spell Warden…nothing needs to be given for a Spell Warden replacement to DK.
He said Frost not Unholy you can easily counter Frost damage its all in their burst. Unholy does not need anymore healing I agree and their healing needs counterplay which is why myself and other Dks have mentioned buff Death strike and just gut spell warden. That tones down UH Dk tankiness while helping Frost and I doubt it would bring Frost up a tier.
Something something devs ego and player suggestions makes sure this won’t happen.
Tons of DK’s are asking for this so they won’t do it because it’s not the devs own idea.
I mean udk have needed nerfs since week 1 lol… right along with ele, spriest, dh
It’s not about changing kill targets, it’s the fact that DK can NEVER be a kill target for casters because of their unreal toolkit. AMS / spell warden is available for every time I have damage and cannot be punished ever for mistakes.
I’d like to expand on this, Its much like Hunters in SL before the FD nerf they could just FD the dmg and get topped. but its actually worse then this for a couple reasons. 1. they can self heal, Hunters can not …much at all. 2. it lasts longer then FD. 3. This is specifically affecting casters. (atleast the Majority)
They have been a top class in pvp since release and are still solid now
Anyone with magic damage, it’s caster+. Then again not sure nurfing them will be good for me, they are farming casters down. Without them more counters to Ret.
They’ll address that when they address monk’s single button rotation (touch of death).
So, never.
People defending dk because it’s supposed to be anti caster but not good into physical ask yourselves… why, in a meta that is primarily composed of melee cleaves, does almost every game you que have a dk coming out of the enemy gates.
Is it cuz dk is ridiculous rn?
It’s because DK is the prot paladin of melee without actually being a stigmatized tank role.
Go outside in durotar and pick a fight with any backpeddling booger eating 1300 rated DK and you’ll realize its nigh impossible to kill him. No matter how many kicks you fake, how poorly he uses cds its incredibly difficult to kill even the poorest of dks. Even then he’ll prob smear you across the ground
Yea I can do it on a fire mage forcing him to backpeddle into ring of fire for entire duration and using 100-1% Alter and BLOCK with 80% heal. Even then its exhausting.
Put them in arena with an actual decent player and its fairly oppressive and frustrating to deal with.