We need to accept the fact that Lady Moonberry is pure evil

“Oh, no, not this again,” some of you are thinking. Call me daft if you must, but I have found evidence, during my mad, sleepless search, that Lady Moonberry is on the dark side.
In the trading post there’s the Wings of the Blood Monarch transmog which states that Lady Moonberry created them by dipping a wild spirit into a pool of sin-but it’s just the wings! The wings were ripped off to do this! That ain’t right-normal people don’t do that crap.
I’m telling you, Lady Moonberry is the puppetmaster-that’s who the Jailer was warning us about! Mark my words, I’ll be the last one standing on this burnt-out cinder of a world when Lady Moonberry no longer has any use for Xal’atath!


Well… she’s already dead, maybe good and evil have different meanings for her.

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she’s fae, it’d be weird if she wasn’t even a little alien and sociopathic


Isn’t she the one who has the dialogue line “You still have your head! Interesting…”?


People should read some of the pagan stories about Fae. Calling them evil is a compliment to most of them, considering the things they tend to do to mortals


You are daft. Lady Moonberry is perfectly lovely and delightful.

She is just still working on her Kill List for all of the people who juiced her.

Moonberry Juice was likely mixed with the sin-stuff to give the wings that extra bit of punch.


Wouldn’t be much of a fae if she didn’t have her own personal Kill List. Wonder what that nature spirit did to warrant being dipped in Sin though.

Must’ve really wrong her somehow :dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_uwu:


They juiced her. Where do you think Moonberry Juice comes from?

Nobody should be juicing Lady Moonberry. She is a lady after all.


Well…her actions are acceptable than. Even applauded :dracthyr_nod:


Fairies are wonderful. They provoke wonder.
Fairies are marvellous. They cause marvels.
Fairies are fantastic. They create fantasies.
Fairies are glamorous. They project glamour.
Fairies are enchanting. They weave enchantment.
Fairies are terrific. They beget terror.

The thing about words is that meanings can twist just like a snake, and if you want to find snakes look for them behind words that have changed their meaning.

No one ever said Fairies are nice.
Fairies are bad.


I do love a random driveby Pratchetting.


Speaking of Fairies the presence of King Arfur and his Court of Campalot in Ringing Deeps would suggest that Avaloren(named after Avalon which has been called the Land of Faerie ruled by Titania and Oberon) must be Beledar otherwise there is no way Arfur will be able to reach it being a clueless Kobold!

Siren Isle and it’s habit of causing Shipwrecks does match the description of Avaloren according to the Wreckage Analysis Report so…

The question is: Will Avaloren appear in The War Within or Midnight or The Last Titan?

The Titanforged who reside on Avaloren are called Heretics by Odyn’s Followers so if they claimed the Hymosul/Beledar to be something other than a Titan despite the voice mentioning the word Titan then Odyn would declare them Heretics by default!

Of course if Xal’atath after being denied the Dark Heart decides to expose Avaloren’s true nature to the world then Odyn’s own eyes will be opened and he will be quite angry with Titania for daring to have such a deceptive name.

And yes there is a Titania as A Midsummer Night’s Dream is played at the Star Lake Amphitheater with the Night Fae being confused due to not having an Oberon.

No one ever accused Lady Moonberry of being a closet Paladin.

She’s fae doing things like this is on her job description.


So what if she is?

Let her cook.

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This is yet another Lady Moonberry slander and won’t stand for it.

Drag your accusatory words somewhere else, you law-abiding reprobate.

Maybe not the evil Zovaal was warning about. But certainly there’s something not right. I like to point to 9.1 where she urges us to approach Mal’ganis. I think it is possible she is a dreadlord.