We need the old quests things "?" and "!" back

Like i dunno who designs these stuff but for god sake revert the old quests “?” and “!” back plz.
the new ones are literally Hurting MY EYES!


The swirl around the ? and ! are a little distracting.

The ! being greyed out makes me think I haven’t picked the quest up, yet. lol


I need the yellow ? back for ALL quest turn ins that I’ve finished. (I’d like to yell this at whoever changed it.) I’ve left more than one area with quests that I was supposed to turn in because that blue ? isn’t eye-catching.

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The new ones are pretty bad and difficult to see. The grey ellipses over NPC’s heads is also garish and annoying to look at and somehow while standing out more is still easy to overlook. It’s amazing how in an attempt to make the system more distinguishable, everything became muddied. I went to an area that had the old quest markers recently and realized how much easier everything was to see. I wish there was a setting to revert to the old ones for readability.

Some quest markers also seem to retain the outline from the NPC, so the blue fades even further into the background when surrounded by a green or yellow glow, especially when the arrows are present. I think the size of the markers was also reduced to make room for the arrows, but I’m not sure.

Sometimes the outline is just obscured by the other game elements because you can rotate the camera up and down until you can’t see the outline on the quest marker, only the NPC. Other times it shows if the mob is selected. Other times I’m not sure what criteria it uses.

See the difference in legibility below. While the new system altogether is harder to see, the version without the outline is a lot easier to distinguish.

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agree. less is more. also the new ones look like a rework of weird late 90s/early 2k vibes which weren’t good then either lol