We need some time gating back

any time streamers decide they want a spec nerfed they all make one and convince their audiences to make that spec and they all play it non stop 300-500 rating below where they normally play then make videos screaming about how good it is then immediately drop it and move on to the next fotm to start complaining about and promoting to their audience the week after they get it nerfed

except when it’s their main that’s in the spotlight then they all of a sudden have no desire to pub stomp at low ratings and don’t make video “OMG WE REROLLED X SPEC AND IT DOES THIS!!!”


Nah, it can stay gone. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Protip: Stop watching Venruki


Serious what is wrong with that guy?


Everybody does it presumably because it gets clicks.

just stop watching douchruki. dudes a clown.


What he looks like talking on stream

No joke on gawd he does


I think that says a lot about youtube users if that makes them want to click the video.

I feel like you guys significantly overestimate how many players actually watch streams.

Idk i always chat with and watch aeg/hansol/ven/pherix when they on mages. I think most players here would benefit from watching streams of better players on their chosen class/specs and see what they are doing different/try to get better.

Its also nice to see whats queing and see how bad their sessions are going to decide if you wanna dip your toes in the shuffle water.

Aeghis goes 2-4 or 0-6 or having awful lobbies? Nope im not queing thx for being the sacrificial lamb my friend those lobbies rn look awful

You can learn from better players of course, but my point was that most people are not plugged into the streamosphere (for better or worse). If you’re trying to improve you’re also better served watching educational vods instead of content farming videos or streams, which is rarely what people reference when they’re talking about everyone following what “streamers” say. It takes more than one leap to get from learning organically to actively caring about content creator hype vids and being plugged into the high-tier arena matrix 24/7.

People, largely, are not watching Venruki (or a Venruki equivalent) and then doing what he says. Not saying they have 0 impact, but they aren’t dictating the meta and even the impact they do have is going to be 90% in the form of secondary transmission rather than from them directly. People generically hear about something and then try it out and have no idea that the person they heard that thing from was told by their friend who does watch his favorite streamers on a weekly basis.

Streamers are also going to be first on the scene with any change because they’re all degens by definition, but most of the things that are attributed to streamers would have made their way into the meta anyhow. It didn’t take a streamer to get people to want to try the ret rework, and then for others to realize it was monstrously broken, and for that cycle to snowball. Even for less obvious things the information diffusion network, even sans content creators, is just much more efficient now.

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Idk about time gating, but content creators are a big cause of the FOTM waves and heavy handed nerfs passed around by big daddy blizz.

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there’s a very large portion of the casual playerbase that watches the typical main stream streamers or youtubers and form their opinions almost exclusively off whatever half thought up click bait they put out at any given time to make 72 total dollars

those are the people invested enough to participate in the 1400 echochamber that is r/worldofpvp or twitter

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