We need some dwarf love!

Humans and Nightelves get all the attention. We dwarves need an epic adventure! Even the gnomes got something with their King being given the tony stark treatment with a glowey bit in his chest. Come on blizz give us something! We are the stalwart and ceaseless defenders of the Alliance. Throw us a bone!

(before anyone says anything the crystal former king of ours shouting about healing the woons doesn’t count as lore)

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I member the old days when you find a dwarf wherever the action was…


Don’t mind me, just here to drink booze and braid beards.


This is the best I can do.

We do get an explanation how the Kul’tirans tamed griffins which was by a wildhammer dwarf.

The wildhammer were the ones to wipe the floor from the San’layns.

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Um did you guys forget about Magni? You know the king that tried to save the world got turned to diamond. Had his estranged daughter show up with her son to try and claim the throne nearly kicking off another clan war.

The crystal dwarf ex king doesn’t count. He’s more Azerothian lore than dwarf lore.

The only thing I know about dwarves is that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rD2GemlYkxM

eh, screw it, if it doesn’t show the video I don’t care.

I like that one dwarf that really hates orcs, every invasion he is there.

I have a max lvl dark iron pally, does that count? Leveling up a shaman dwarf now.

I’d have to say my most favorite race in wow is the male dwarf. They are kool looking and probably could kick some azz, not to mention I love their accent and appreciation of ale! :heart:

Interest ye ina pint?

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I mean… you got us, the Dark Irons. That’s pretty cool!

Shame we didn’t get any new beards in the customization update.