yes but heroics are not the only runs that are needed on a server. yay for you and your heroics. but on maladath the garbage lfg tool is pretty much EMPTY. ive checked on characters between lvl 15 to level 74… hardly a soul on there in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening… a few show up late at night but thats it. heroics are not the game, they are part of the game.
You mean some people no longer have need of emblems from heroics, or have their preraid gear? GASP
quit trolling
I mentioned lobie content. As I noted, less people sign up on lfg in lower content so you need to have personal initiative. If you didn’t make any friends when our questing, then try whispering around in /who. Just look up your level range, or if you need a tank/heals the class you want + level range, and whisper the people there. You will get takers. If you like the people and/or they are good add them to your friends and invite them later for more. It’s not hard, if you form your own groups and take initiative it doesn’t take that long to get a group. Boosting is dead and every potential whisper is legitimately leveling.
Rdf is not needed, and declaring anyone who has a different opinion than you as a troll is in fact trolling.
Because the majority of players are gearing through dungeons at this point. Obviously.
Dude, it ain’t much better at level cap for heroics, seriously. Healers using the tool are rare.
Trying to find a group at 3am is ni-impossible.
There is zero benefit to keeping RDF out of the game at this point, other than continuing to slowly kill communities and push everyone instantly into raids. Which will be tough for newer folks and alts since I’m starting to see a minimum GS of 3900ish frequently.
its getting more and more difficult to find groups for any dungeon. either because people troll the group by causing wipes, or they’ll only invite certain classes, due to the stigma they have, thanks to other players (I.E. Death Knights due to bots, Hunters due to their pets, or the “Huntard” meme, etc)
sadly, we’ll probably have to wait till sometime in phase 3, if not 4 before we get RDF.
most that wanted no rdf are already sitting at 80 raid logging. those that want rdf are working their way up enjoying all the game and upset they lost a very good tool to use for breaking up questing a bit.
Sorry to take so long to respond.
I guess it is a Druid thing.
I disagree
Even tanking is a challenge. I have been running low level dungeons and we keep needing to four man runs. This is a perfect example of why we need RDF. My server is probably an outlier, so we would help off set the imbalance elsewhere.
A yes, RDF, the fun part of the game where people forget you can talk and starts randomly leaving a dungeon after boss they wanted is over.
Those aren’t wrath features. There is no universe in which they will exist in wrath. Your argument is unfathomably bad.
just spouting random numbers and calling it facts again i see.
that luke warm iq copium thinking adding one thing to the game which already historically existed will add a bunch of other negative content to the game.
I liked your post and gave it a ‘heart’ even. But where do you come up with the 85% number in your title?
Is this a case of 73.6% of all statistics are made up? lol
I know on my main, I don’t think I’m even interested in running the Heroic Daily anymore. I don’t think there is any benefit to me and they are really boring. Got the raven mount, have a million pots/elixirs. I’m at the point where I’m buying orbs with badges. meh…
switching tracks but same train…I feel REALLY BAD for anyone trying to level right now. below 70. I think even many of the staunch anti-RDF are saying like…“ok…maybe under 70”
Back to main track. I’m horde on a small faction repped server, Atiesh. I can see heroics just about dieing out for us. I’m not too worried but would give lots of reason for more horde to leave the server if they wanted to do heroics. If there was cross server RDF there would be no need? I don’t know.
Funny, they have everything else from the ORGINAL xpac and even added stuff in, but somehow there is problem with rdf to implement? They really going with that? With a straight face?
There’s not a problem implementing it. Birmingham is a hard core wpvp player and he and his guild wants to force people to walk to dungeons so he can gank them on the way and at the stone. That’s what it’s all about.
And someone once asked who the tank was in a dungeon, apparently to him that is the height of human social interaction.
Actually, I want Wrath to be Wrath. Why is it that when Classic was coming, it was OK to insist the game stay true to the original. But when true Wrath fans want the same thing, we get told to go to retail?
This right here. RDF is super important for 15 - 80.
Birmingham is a hard core wpvp player and he and his guild wants to
so glad im not the only one that noticed this.