Not for PvE really. As those traps don’t affect bosses anyway.
For PvP, you would never want to use them for your “rotation” anyway.
You would still want to use them to control opponents movement and actions.
As for the L&L-trigger that’s now built in. It’s an old design of the past SV spec. It’s not a new design.
A lot of players loved to have that guaranteed proc based on your choices. Sure, it sees most use in PvP or open world rather than PvE - raids. But it had it’s use in PvE as well. Especially with a lot of adds.
And consider you would use those 2 traps to control adds anyway…why not?
Same with me.
I was quite sad when they removed for example Explosive Trap as well as Immolation Trap.
A lot of players(not just me) loved to have traps being part of the playstyle, not as you say, just for utility purposes.
Edit: As in, bosses cannot trigger that trap-based L&L-proc.
Edit 2:
This design change was actually done to remove part of the element where it feels as if you had to put Freezing Trap in as a part of your “rotation”.
As with the old design, you could use your Freezing Trap on CD to gain that extra bonus damage(only via the manual trigger), though it would require you to be stationary next to the trap for the time it’s active.
The new design is meant to suit leveling or PvP more than the old one. But also have it’s use in PvE.
Intended as talent options or baseline abilities/effects?
Either Caltrops or Sticky Bomb could be placed into a utility-tier in the talent section.
I guess it would depend on what talents we want the most.
I’d say that Camouflage should once again be a baseline option for the entire class so, we would in that case have an open slot for an extra talent.
As for damaging AoE-traps, you suggested Frost + Explosive + Snake.
Frost in the past was never about dealing damage, it was purely to slow movement speed.
It’s replacement is Tar Trap. And if you ask me, the new one would fit better with mechanics that involves AoE damage(through fire). Just my opinion though^^
Explosive Trap was fun to use, though in todays WoW, we can’t really get it back atm as we already have the PvP-talent: Hi-Explosive Trap.
I seriously doubt that they would have two of these in at the same time.
Snake Trap, even though it wasn’t about AoE in the past, could be a neat option. And ofc you could do more with it other than just using it for dmg.
Sadly, that wouldn’t work very well due to how each spec was designed/focused.
Ofc you could design MSV to become sort of a headhunter/stalker type of spec using thrown weapons such as spears or 1h axes. And you could design abilities, that uses a weapon, to work differently depending on if you’re either in melee range, or if you’re far away from a target.
When far away, you would throw the weapons and when in melee, you would strike with them.
(more info can be added for visualization if necessary)
Granted this is not actually a way to bring old SV back, but it is a way to allow those who sort of like current SV to choose how they want to fight.
Sorry but it really isn’t. You can suspend belief for a moment to imagine that your ammo is stocked up somewhere (before Cata it literally was) but the idea of having an infinite supply of axes to throw and basing a spec on that is just silly.
Also, there are a variety of reasons why people like current Survival. Some of them are melee; those aren’t going to be pleased with any further-than-melee Survival no matter what. Fortunately it looks like most of the people who like SV like it for the gameplay flow it has which can also be ensured by a ranged spec.
I’ve let go of that authenticity, I mean…where are our arrows/bullets? We spend around 1k of those per evening of raiding. Even back when we had quivers and such, it still wasn’t believable.
But with quivers it at least looked like we were carrying extra arrows.
If you have a carrier/holder for some extra spears or similar, sure, it wouldn’t be perfect no, but would make about as much sense as it currently does.
I agree that an unlimited supply of axes or spears seems a bit ridiculous. I personally think that the spears, halberds, pikes, pole arms, etc should remain melee weapons but have extended range much like the Outlaw Rogue ability acrobatic strikes provides. It just makes sense and it further compliments the ranged/melee flavor that many people really seem to enjoy.
Honestly, no. It wouldn’t look perfect. It makes about as much sense as it does for us playing with ranged weapons atm.
We keep firing arrows/bullets but where are they coming from?
Anyway, it was just a way to allow for MSV to become both fully ranged as well as being able to be played in melee, without the need to change weapons and talents and such.
Like I also said earlier, this was never meant to be a way for us to get the old SV back that included Explosive Shot etc.
Still am of the opinion that a 4th spec option is the best course, for the class as a whole, on this matter.
Some say that it’s unrealistic or that it will never happen. A bit ironic since people(incl devs) said that about requests to bring Classic/Vanilla back going all the way back to TBC.
And here we are, able to play the remake of an entire game…
Keep in mind that “spear” does not mean Polearm or similar.
Spear means those you can see on a multitude of NPCs/Mobs. They are known as Throwing Spears. Made specifically to be thrown.
And as they are a fair bit smaller than some Polearms etc, they would also fit on your back inside a “carrier” of sorts. You can find this on NPCs as well.
Remember arrows and bullets are pulled out of now where then used. Pulling a spear out would look like we are tearing out out spinal cord then chucking it.