We need range Survival Hunters back



Before we actually got the announcement that SV was going melee, I was expecting the ranged version to eventually become more focused on DoTs. And how to build them up, either through damage or duration.

Thus allowing for the class to be better at multi-dot’ing. Somewhat.

As for Black Arrow specifically, I decided in my suggestions to make it focus mostly on ST-damage as a base with your major CD being what determines your capability to use it on several enemies at once. Either through automatic spread or manual applications.

While Rapid Fire is active, the first hit of Explosive Shot when cast will reset the remaining cooldown of Black Arrow, and the periodic damage effect applied by Black Arrow can now stack up to 3 times.

If you, during Rapid Fire, use Explosive Shot on an enemy affected by Black Arrow, then each explosion from the charge will cause the toxin to spread to other nearby enemies.
Rapid fire lasts for 20 seconds. 2 minute cooldown.

I later also added a situational replacement effect for the automatic spread of BA during Rapid Fire(the major CD), for when you’re in instanced PvP. Due to some feedback I got on MMOC where someone pointed out that you would not want that to spread automatically.

For PvP, you would instead have the additional charge proc of BA whenever someone removes/dispels it somehow. Meaning you get a free extra charge of BA every time that happens.

I also added in a bonus trait/set bonus effect suggestion that involves Black Arrow resets. Which would help with manual build-up or multi-dot’ing for the ability.

Both BM and RSV had Cobra Shot as focus generators back in the day(WoD as an example). I honestly don’t mind that.
Sure, today, for BM it’s a spender. But you could still make it a generator for RSV.
It fits them both.

Having Cobra Shot for RSV would also allow us to keep the mechanic from MoP where it used to refresh/increase the duration of Serpent Sting on the target. Something that fits thematically.

-Level 90-
Spitting Cobra - Cobra Shot now extends the remaining duration of Serpent Sting on the enemy target by X sec, up to a max of 15 seconds.
In addition, Cobra Shot now has a high chance of generating double Focus when fired.

I chose to put it in as a talent, with a second addition to it. It says “up to a max of 15 seconds”. That just means that the max duration the SS debuff can have is 15 seconds. You can ofc continue to extend it as it ticks down. You just can’t manually increase it to, let’s say 25 seconds.

I liked this.

I’ve included a version of this as a baseline passive effect.

Lock and Load - Periodic damage caused by Black Arrow and Immolation Trap have a chance to add 1 extra charge of Explosive Shot which will consume no focus when fired.

Keep in mind that Explosive Shot with my design has 2 charges baseline. Up from one. This will essentially allow for more player oriented choices by default rather than relying as much on RNG. This was the goal at least.

Allowing us to choose between more burst potential or more sustained damage even as SV, would’ve been the natural way to go really.

You could baseline keep Explosive Shot as it was. You could allow multiple charges of ES to be active on 1 target at the same time. Much like SoC for locks. And with 2 ES charges baseline and with my L&L design, you can with some luck get several charges on the same target for some nice burst.

And for more sustained damage, I chose to go with a talent-design:

-Level 15-
T.N.T - If Explosive Shot is used on an enemy already affected by a previous charge, the charge’s remaining duration is refreshed as well as increased by an additional 3 seconds.

When a Exotic Munitions-proc occurs, it will now increase the duration of Explosive Shot on the target by 3 seconds, in addition to adding 5 seconds to one of the following periodic damage effects: Serpent Sting, Black Arrow, Immolation Trap, if any are active when the proc occurs.

Note: Manually, you cannot increase the duration of a Explosive Shot-debuff on a target beyond 9 seconds max. Exotic Munitions-procs can extend that to a max of 12 seconds.

Much like with Spitting Cobra above, you can with this talent only build up ES to a certain point. But you can continue to refresh/extend it for as long as you want(depending on your luck with RNG ofc).
I designed it like that so that you shouldn’t be able to keep ES active on a target forever. Unless you’re very lucky with RNG that is.

I chose to include the ability Quick Shot that MM had during the beta. Mostly because, especially for ST fights, you would probably have some downtime with all DoTs up. Time where you could spend some excess Focus.

It adds a slight change in theme compared to the non-physical abilities you have as well. It also allowed me to put in a talent that you can choose to replace Quick Shot with for when you’re leveling or questing in open world, or for anyone who just might want a little focus on their pet. And, it allows for a change in pace as well.

Anything even remotely pet related is entirely optional though. As many wouldn’t want to deal with a pet.

Yeah, what I mentioned above.

Here’s the bonus trait/set bonus as well:

(2) When you get a Exotic Munitions-proc. It will grant you an additional bonus effect depending on which periodic damage-effect it benefits.

Serpent Sting - Until the current Serpent Sting debuff expires or is refreshed, every time it deals damage to the target, you instantly gain 3 Focus.

Black Arrow - The remaining cooldown on Black Arrow is instantly reset.

Immolation Trap - Your next Immolation Trap will deal an extra X% damage and will also have an increased X% chance to critically hit the affected target.

Mentioned some of my Major CD suggestion in the beginning but, here it is in full(if you like it, then you like it. If not…sorry):

Rapid Fire - Increases your haste by X%, and on use, grants a charge of Explosive Shot(triggers Lock & Load).

While Rapid Fire is active, the first hit of Explosive Shot when cast will reset the remaining cooldown of Black Arrow, and the periodic damage effect applied by Black Arrow can now stack up to 3 times.

If you, during Rapid Fire, use Explosive Shot on an enemy affected by Black Arrow, then each explosion from the charge will cause the toxin to spread to other nearby enemies.
Rapid fire lasts for 20 seconds. 2 minute cooldown.

Keep in mind what I said regarding the spread mechanic and instanced PvP, where it’s replaced with the bonus effect for Black Arrow, allowing you to gain extra charges of it in case of dispels/removals.

Also, in case this isn’t clear. You’re always able to stack up Black Arrow on a target. Even if Rapid Fire(Major CD) isn’t active. Just that normally, BA doesn’t last long enough for it’s CD to be finished in time to refresh it.

You do however have some talent options which will help you keep it up longer.

Anyway, here’s my suggestion post in full in case anyone wants the whole picture: