We need PvP changes

Preface : Shadowlands looks fantastic. Literally everything they’ve said so far is awesome and i’m glad to hear it. As someone who’s favorite expansions include both TBC and Legion it looks great.

What they said isn’t the issue however. It’s what they didn’t say that worries me and many others. They basically said only 1 sentence about PvP in Shadowlands (that warmode would still exist). That’s not much information to go on.


I think i speak for many when i say the current gearing system for PvP in WoW is awful. It’s entirely too RNG based and it feels bad. As a result, most of us just want them to implement the most simple solution, add a PvP gear vendor. I wanted to discuss this topic in the kind of civil manner that is so often lacking on these forums.

Yes, getting gear from a vendor lacks “excitement”, Blizzard technically isn’t wrong there. BUT, having RNG as the primary method for gearing is so much worse. Additionally, the weekly “fill the bar” conquest rewards allow little to no player agency and feel inadequate compared to just farming gear from PvE, which is not something PvP focused players want to do very often.

Blizzard can keep some of their RNG, just let us have something less RNG reliant alongside it that gives us more agency in gearing, like a VENDOR. Unlike many issues in the game, this one has a simple solution. It’s an easy win.

I created another thread detailing a rather simple and fairly familiar idea for a new PvP gearing system that i think many of us would like to see implemented in Shadowlands. It’s a system that focuses on what the entire expansion is supposed to be about according to Blizzard: PLAYER AGENCY. With so much good news about the expansion, it only needs this kind of new system to make it truly promising to more of the playerbase.

Here’s the link if you’re interested:

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First you have to get the alliance to actually pvp Against us first

It’s just too tedious for them apparently :joy:

I agree that faction balance in PvP is an issue, but a much harder one to solve than the gearing system.

I think it would help if the gearing system was better because it would just incentivize more PvP participation across both factions.

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Hey now, we try. There’s just so many of you its hard to get to you all.

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