We need parti colored poodles in wow as pets!

as title says. i know i made a thread about poodles but i think we also need parti colored ones.


I love animals, but I can’t say I’ve ever been a fan of poodles. But I’m all about Cavalier King Charles Spaniels at the moment. I met a pair them last week, one of which was just a puppy. It was a good day.

Not one of the dogs I met, just to be clear. Just a google photo.

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Team Cat!



smash those brazilians pizzas.


I’m still waiting for my Bernese Mountain Dog. Heck we just got goldens but had pugs for how many years? I’m sorry but dogs that can barely breath are not cute.

Justice for better good doggos.


“Poodle Pet and Mount set!!! I wanna ride one too!!!”

Not sure why, but my mental image was of dogs colored like funfetti. I was a bit let down to see just a normal colored dog when I clicked.

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“That was my first thought, as well.”

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But are you now craving cake?

no? Me neither, too.

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“No, I just want a Purple Poodle big enough to ride, with a little matching Poodle Pet running along side.”