We need orgres and a new class with them, a spellblade like class!

Ogres we all know and love them, there should be the normal classes with one head, but then the exclusive ogre class that has two heads. The two headed one has two players like heroes of the storm does. One can be a melee like warrior while the other can be something like a shadow priest / mage / warlock. Depending on the route blizz wants to go. This has double the health pool and counts as two players in a group :smiley: idk i thought it would be fun.


It would be, or at least it is in HotS, but it would likely be impossible to balance.

As for ogres, there is an active megathread going for them right now.


well thats where i got the idea from. Me and my brother love playing Cho’gall in heroes of the storm. Its extremely fun and i thought, wouldn’t it be fun to try something like that out in World of warcraft? I’m pretty sure blizz could balance it somewhat decently. The only thing i couldn’t think of is if Ogres are Horde only and they get this featured the alliance doesn’t have anything to match with it. And as much as I hate the alliance and wish eternal agony upon them I know Blizzard does not want to deal with that backlash.

Blizzard actually made an April Fools joke about this back in 2004.

What is an enhancement shaman if not a spell blade? We just can not use swords : / But we have glowy axes and maces and fist weapons!

Ogres would be cool but a new class would be disastrous. Blizzard can’t even balance what we have, and a new class would make balance even worse.

Orgres live in Orgrimmar lol