We Need More Representation

For the color pink! That’s right. Give us more pink. Many might think it’s a joke color, but I disagree it can look splendid especially with all the different possible shades of pink. For example the few pink plate mogs we have in the game look awesome. I want pink cloth, I want pink guns, pink swords the list goes on. We need more pink. Pink=win.


One thing I will say about Shadowlands is that they really didn’t use a broad pallet when it comes to designing the armor from this expansion. Some sets (specifically thinking of Covenant sets) are near identical in color scheme. We need more pink, more purple, more green, etc.


It was either grey or white for half the expansion. Not even talking just about mogs, the whole aesthetic of many raids. disgusting.

Did you guys know that society originally dictated that pink was the color for boys and baby blue was the color for girls? Somewhere down the line, they flip flopped them around to be opposite. Never did read about an answer as to why.

Colors are colors, they have no gender assignment. Let my Warlock have pink fire. :heart:

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I am still amazed that they some how managed to add an armor dye system in Diablo 3 years ago but still haven’t in WoW. I heard that they are adding one into Dragonflight, something about it was mentioned in the trade skill revamp deep dive?


because pink was simply to much for the male populous to handle. hand them a pink cup and watch them tremble in fear.

and yes more pink pls.

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This is somewhat surprising, but then you also think about how raid mogs nowadays are just recolors when moving from one difficulty to another (until you hit Mythic)

Reminds me of when I took one of my daughters to the shop to pick something up for work. In the display case there was a pink subcompact, she pointed at it and said, “you are going to get me that when I am old enough”. Think she was 4 and she still remembers. Every birthday she asks if she is old enough yet.

All I know is if you paint a room pink, supposedly it calms people down.

Like drunk tank pink

:dragon: :white_flower: :dragon: :white_flower: :dragon: :white_flower:

Lots of pink in WoW, hunter pets, battle pets, custimizations, mounts, all gear and weapons.

:cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom:Pink please!:cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom:

And playable pink Dracthyr please.

We are missing the pink power ranger.


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:red_square: :ocean: :red_square::ocean: :red_square: :ocean: :red_square:

Na, this version

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I would like a shaved option, thus giving us pink tauren.

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I think I have the purple look down pat. :grin:

:cherry_blossom: Pink tauren, pink blood elf, and pink panda. I think there is a pink Vulpera option, but that pink is too light, the light pink fits blood elves. A light and medium pink for tauren, pandas, and vulpera. Dark pink comes too close to red sometimes :cherry_blossom:


I love pink
I finally got my valentines mount after over a decade
shakes uncontrollably I need triple-backflips more combusts pink

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