We need more kisses!

Look if yall want to look at your parents like that then go for it. No judgment here.

This is like, my opinion man and in my opinion it was a weird moment in an extremely lame story moment like the rest of the epilogue sans the iridikron cinematic. And as an old man i say get a room to those two

Your 8 year old niece knows whats up what can i say.

Yrel and sally whitemane?

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Before or after turning into a DK?

Good point. After :joy: lol since there is no going back

My thing is how would that work lore wise?

There are fan-sites where you can find more of that …so I’ve heard!

Oh I know there is…

I’m just saying having some in game stuff and or more details put into the cut scenes would be great. Too much stuff is in the books!


I have no idea I was throwing dumb stuff out there. I completely forgot she’s a death knight now.

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Lol it’s all g. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I mean I totally just thought about how we could make it work but … I don’t think I wanna think about it anymore haha.

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lol I understand uh.

Well anyway.

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deploys a swarm of geese




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Run Fuzz! Before they grab the water!

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I’m convinced I’m in the minority. Cause my take on this is “Eugh, where’s my death and murder in my cut scenes?”

It’s well animated, don’t get me wrong. The lip sync is good (hurhur, no pun intended). But I thought it was so much cooler when Tyrande was all pissed and was confronting Sylvanas and was like “You didn’t know? Your master is keeping secrets from you!”. That was by far her best moment in any cutscene.

I dunno. Good for Tyrande and Malf. But meh. It didn’t do anything for me. I’ve been consistent in that I just don’t think romance is good for the warcraft universe where we’re kinda just on rails watching it happen.


these are homing geese. now with 16x the homing geese!


I can understand that and to me, a cut scene conveys an important event in the story.

There’s so many situations that are just quest text (that barely anyone reads) or put into the books… having stuff like that in the game is good!

Like how Garrosh escaped his trial is apparently all in a book. THAT WOULD BE A COOL CUTSCENE!

I guess my main gripe is… more good cutscenes and less books lol


This I can get behind, yeah. The issue with WoW as a multi-media platform is just there’s too much to put in one medium but the reality is the game (which by far has the most interaction) doesn’t have enough put into it.



And I think that’s the big take away is scenes like this, normally, are put into books!