This is specifically talking about the newest cutscene for Amidrassil and Bal’ameth Spoilers ahead for those that haven’t done it!
So that scene between Tiranda and Malfurion was absolutely amazing and I loved the overall feel of the cinomatic. We need more cut scenes like that in game that show the the love between two characters.
For those that don’t know, here’s the cut scene:
I was thinking with War Within maybe Flynn Fairwind and Matthias Shaw or Lor’themar and Thalyssra?
Not gonna lie, I’d be down for some Lor’themar and Thalyssra gettin a cutscene. I still maintain that if they have a kid it should be called a Bloodborn elf.
Well… I am going to shove Firelands under the rug, because it deserves it. Twilight Bastion was okay, and Blackrock Descent(?) was okay, but they weren’t enough to overcome the sheer disappointment that is/was Dragon Soul.
While I respect your opinion and all…I will respectfully disagree. Firelands was a fun time. Favorite boss ever was the fire giant. Unique mechanics in the start of the fight and so on. Granted Cata as a whole was pretty disappointing, it was fun getting to punch Deathwing in the face.
I find it funny that the only ones that could have remotely happened was the I believe the punch in the face due to how it showed death wing’s human form.
The cut scene between Tyrande and Malfurion was fine. They love eachother for an eternity at this point and it was nice how they both embraced their adopted daughter.