We Need More Druid Races On the Horde Side

More druids for horde == more shamans for alliance. Deal? :cloud_with_rain:

I don’t care.

Don’t you guy’s have like Kul Tirans, Pandas, Dwarves, and Draenei? Actually yeah, you guys could use a bit more shamans.

I basically came here to post this. No, there’s no strong lore reason for it. No, I don’t think that the Horde necessarily needs more druid races, or that the game necessarily needs more druids in general. But allow Vulperan druids and I would never play anything else. My heart yearns.


Kul tirans are just… fat. Pandas are on both so who cares. Dwarves are the best one. Thats it really. Draenei are meh for anyone who doesnt wanna play fem draenei. I dont wanna play fem draenei. Its so overused. :cloud_with_rain: edit: its basically like blood elf , boring after a while.

Blood elf or nightborne druids.

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Vulperan druids would be adorable. I just feel like we need to break apart from the taurens and trolls. I love trolls and druids I really do, but it sort of sucks just having two options for druid races. I play too many trolls, I most certainly do not want another.

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Give me panda druids, both sides win.

I was thinking nightborne druids as well. Their cat form would look so cool. It’d be like a beautiful royal purple. Though, I am not a huge fan of the idea of having Blood Elf druids.

We need more diverse groups all around tbh. You can have Vulpera druids if we get Draenei :japanese_goblin:

And no, I’m totally not biased on what I would specifically want on Alliance, nope, totally not.

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I agree. Thank you for understanding what I am trying to say. We generally need a variety, I don’t care about lore reasoning just I am annoyed that my alt druid has to be a troll or tauren. But in all honesty, I don’t really care. Sure it’d be nice to have variety but I don’t mind being a troll/tauren.

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Yeah, I don’t really think it was a good idea to keep the druid in the Tauren/Troll races. Kul Tiran was a really cool expansion of Druid lore, I’m not sure why they didn’t expand it further.

With them mentioning they want to expansion race/class combos, hopefully they will take note and get inspired to give us cool interpretations of Druidism.

I think realistically, Pandaren would be a solid druid race/class to add since it would be available to A/H.

Yeah I get ya. It’s still fun to make the requests for the incase they’re listening and wanting feedback.

blood elf druids would be cool. and then we alliance can finally have night elf paladins

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I normally prefer playing short races in fantasy games, but all the druid races besides (human) Worgen are taller than humans.

Blizzard should just give druids to dwarves. Druids already fit Wildhammer dwarves thematically.

Burning creates room for renewal. Old trees can cause problems for the rest of the forest.