I’ve been able to keep one empty 34 slot bag for playing dragonflight but that bag is now filled up with stuff from Zskera’s vault. I’m at my wits end trying to figure out what I need to keep and where to put it. After 17 years this bag stress may be the thing that gets me to quit.
It’s not like I can’t manage bags. I keep one bag full of armor. I keep one bag full of things related to the expansion: Shovels, artifacts, Wrathion key fragments, earthen storms, Fishing lures and statues, coins, etc. The last one bag is full of everything else I absolutely don’t want to get rid of like party grenades, pet bandages, phials, etc.
It’s filler content until 10.1. You can vendor or delete most of it and be just fine.
It’d be nice if they’d at least go into the reagent bag.
I’d advise taking a look at what’s in your bags and see what should probably just be in the bank.
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If you don’t know what to do with an item or it’s crafting materials, it goes in the bank. I find it hard to believe you have 34 mystery items which you have no use for in your bag.
It doesn’t help that when I order crystaliine phial of perception for fishing I get 2 or 3 different levels back. Since it costs mettle I’m not goign to throw it away, I’ll use the T2s for mining or herbing. Same with other phials.
I have 4 different primordial stones. Where do these go? I haven’t figured that out yet so I have to carry them around. Or keep making trips to the bank.
I have quest items like “Journal entry of silence”, I get these treasure scrolls faster than I can activate them and fly all over looking for the treasure.
I’ve got “mysterios writings” Which I’m supposed to trade to an enemy. Why? I don’t know yet. To whom? I don’t know that yet, either.
I noticed some of the crafting things aren’t going into your reagent bag automatically. So your bag fills up and then you have to look around and move them to the reagent bag.
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If they put a banker on the island it would makes things a lot more manageable.
Man, I had 12 gems in my bags at one point, more than a dozen pieces of boa gear, all the other knickknacks, and then the greys. I had more than 34 slots filled and I was constantly having to manage my inventory.
Ignore the weirdos claiming there’s no issue.
Yeah this entire expac has had a ridiculous amount of inventory bloat with all the multi-quality crafting reagants, rep turn-in items, and now the Zskera vault items. Blizz really needs to stop doing this stuff
How… i’m really curious how all these people keep their bags full of stuff they don’t use or actually need.
Yeah I have OS gear, runes, potions phials food recipes tokens other xpac hearthstones etc. and I still have 60+ slots that just don’t get touched. Just buy bigger bags lol. I’m even just using 30 slots, I’m still currently at 93 slots open with the gems and books and keys and combo items from the vaults.
All my friends are complaining about the explosion in junk filling up bags. It’s crazy. And potions are no longer getting moved to my consumable bag which is driving me nuts.
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Is there a valid reason that the stuff bear item isn’t a toy? Was the objective to make me delete it?
Because I deleted it.
One of the things i find the most frustrating of late, is quest items, books and other random flavor items sitting in my bags and i don’t always know what’s safe to delete and what isn’t. I’d love a little icon to tell me which items are ok to get rid of or not. I don’t think we really need more bag space, Blizzard just needs to stop making so many little items to spam them up all the time, it sounds paranoid, but I’m starting to suspect they’re doing it deliberately just to make us stop and vendor/bank/bag sort all the time lol
That will be 1800 gold for 34 slot bag , thanks 
I got the Mossy mount items and didn’t even know it until I cleared my bags. So much junk they throw at us.
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Omg the vaults were driving me crazy. I too usually have between 40-60ish available bag slots and those just did not cut it for my first trip to the Vaults. I had 17 keys when I first went in so I had a ton of doors to open. But between all the stone items, vendor greys, misc puzzle items, etc it filled up so fast.
It would be nice if they at least had the stone anvil thingy and a vendor down there. While it’s easy to leave and come back, it is annoying.
I think I have currently a full regent bag and 1 full bag for pots/flasks/OS gear with 3 empty bags + the default bag. Idk how everyone has so much stuff to hoard
As for how my bag space is filled, and yes, I have all 32+ spot bags and the large reagent bag.
Some of us like to do old world content as well as new world content. There’s TONS of stuff from other expansions that need to be collected and saved for whatever task. Hell, the Zul Gurub armour being readded is adding like 10 more times for us to collect and hold into so we can turn them into a vendor.
Crafting mats this expansion is absolutely insane. Three different tiers of leather and scales. Not to mention skinning also gets me extra rare materiels and also sometimes meat or fish and the like. I could probably fill up 60 bag slots just from skinning alone. Stuffing all that in a bank is an option of course but there’s no easy access to that out and about.
I also collect and actively use things like HoA, teleport items, and the like. I have probably 18 teleport items in my bags. I still run things like Visions and LFR N’Zoth which requires the Cloak. I keep that in my bag for convenience. Theres just so many things you collect that are useful enough to have in your bags when you do all the content the game offers, not just current expansion.
Heck, I’m still working on lots of Shadowlands stuff and that expansion had tons of items bloat as well.
The mats themselves are not a problem as I can auction and they stack high, it’s the non-reagent bags that keep filling up. Some of the crafted potions and such are, if you put in work orders and get some 2-star and some 3-star phials you tend to want to keep both, maybe use the weaker one in world pve and the stronger one in instances. So that’s 2 slots right there.
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You have 7 bank tabs. If you use 34 slots that’s an extra 238 slots. Put extra armor, “fun”/collectable items, etc in there. If that’s still not enough, buy the reagant tab for your materials, buy void storage and place your backup armor in there. You don’t need to use void storage strictly for holding collectable mogs.