You can. You just have to put in the effort to host your own key.
Also, RIO could disappear today and you still would not get invites. Why? Because everything on IO (short of the actual scoring) is available on the armory. It may just take a few seconds more for someone to check your armory.
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Shoot I’ve had to finish this fight with just the healer and myself because all 3 dps didn’t go.
How about before we put mythic plus in a que let’s first remove the bad player buff from normal and heroic dungeon ques. Lets see how well that goes over
I don’t understand these posts. M+ is challenging content for players who like to challenge themselves. Beyond 14/15, there are no rewards, basically. Challenging content is and always has been optional. I’m not necessarily against the queue idea, but I do wonder what people expect to get out of it.
List your key. Accept the first 4 players that make a 3 dps, 1 healer, 1 tank group. Congratulations… You just made your own M+ queue.
Almost free 226 loot in their vault?
I thought a person needed 226 to run mythic dungeons.
I’ve done a couple mythic 0 a while ago and thought it was easier than some of the old heroic dungeons.
I should get my first 226 piece this week! I let my new tank buddy convince me to heal his ToP 14 this weekend. I dunno how it will go, but if it is a disaster it is his fault for having the idea.
Ah, so it’s predominantly people who think higher level gear makes you a better player? I thought made ilvl irrelevant.
Pretty sure the biggest parts of pvp and raiding are the unqued ones, normal difficulty and higher and arenas.
Sure, because you have a large class variety on 24+ completed keys where the best players in the world can freely communicate and organize.
You can’t complete keys above 20 in time without a meta comp, people already tried.
All classes have completed 20+ so no, you don’t have to have a meta comp.
1 non-meta character, 4 meta characters. Show me one group 20+ with more than one non-meta class, please.
Ahh yes. How original of an idea. Let’s screw up peoples chances of completing content that’s designed around organized groups, by making it completely random!
How about we not eh? Go get carried in LFR
Look, as long as they keep the current system in place for those who prefer it but allow a M+ queue alongside it, then why not? Folks should know by now what they’d be letting themselves in for with it - if they want to take the risk, let them.
That’s what we call moving the goalposts my friend.
But here ya go:
Because it would take developers time away from more important things.
Because they’d implement it. Then they’d have to find a way to nerf m+ because those who wanted it are finding out they STILL can’t do it
So now “balance” has to happen or one of the thousand other ridiculous ideas they (people who want it) put in for how it “could” work, which really is just a dumbed down version of how it currently works
If they add this I’m personally driving to California and throwing eggs at blizzards HQ and Ions house. What an absolutely terrible idea
nah it’s a good idea, go off though