We Need Faction Based Queues NOW

See, still a que issue which you were warned about. Good luck big deal guy.

If it was doomed to die off, why is there still a que on your server. Lol.

No, it’s still a balance issue. (queue, btw) and you’re still an idiot.

Because the server is over capacity on one faction alone. Holy crap you really don’t get this do you?

The Alliance could literally not log on, at all. There would still be a queue. There’s that many Horde.

I thought you were kind of trolling. Now I see you’re legitimately impaired. I’m sorry I called you an idiot, I don’t feel making fun of disabled people is appropriate.

“Other realm”

Lol. How about other game?

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Uh-oh, Davematthews is brewing up another zinger…

inb4 contradiction!

QQ’ing because ITS NOT FAIR!! for hours and yet I’m the 8 year old? You were free to choose whatever faction/server you wanted, unfortunately you picked the wrong one so now something must be done. You’re expecting blizz to implement a system that to my knowledge they have never used so you can skip the q time and yet I’m the troll. Have fun corpse running big guy :joy::joy::joy:

why should horde care if alliance players leave? personally, the reason my guild is killing all alliance players we see is because we want to win the war. if alliance players want to retreat, that’s fine, the cowards. horde wins the war then

Because if you don’t have anyone to fight, then the game is done. It’s not that they retreat, they would no longer be in your realm. What kind of win after that?

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a total victory to me. then horde can finally have some peace.

Lol say what you want…I will log on without a q tonight and won’t be corpse camped for hours because well, I put some thought into my server choice instead of following the mob and ignoring numerous warning by blizz

So you come to pvp to find peace?

not only peace, but i want azeroth to be fully under horde control. if you guys retreat then the war is won! LOKTAR OGAR

I wouldn’t want to be on the Horde on Herod.

Only weak snowflakes like yourself prefer to have such an absolutely game-breaking advantage.

Nobody is expecting Blizzard to do anything in true Blizzard style. This was a conversation about what could be done to improve these servers.

This offended and frightened you and hours later here we are. Me still trying to soak some basic concepts into that underdeveloped little brain of yours.

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You mean you found a server where a snowflake like yourself wouldn’t find a challenge because you couldn’t cut it in a competitive environment.


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This guy.

I approve.

Come and get me Horde filth!

Then let them die off, that’s always been wow’s thing is things like economy and such develop naturally. When horde run out of people to kill they will transfer off and the numbers may be more balanced. For now you’re free to reroll or get used to corpse running

gasp a true warrior of the Horde longs only for an honorable death by combat.


Lol, more contradictions from Davematthews

Shocked. I’m shocked!

(I’m not shocked.)

It doesn’t need to end like that. This is the literal whole point, of this conversation.

Stop, I can only /facepalm so hard before I do physical damage.

I have zero sympathy for such a miopic viewed stacked player like yourself, when they claim they would be “locked out”. You, your guild, and all of your friends, would have the option of moving to a server that would not see you “locked out”. When Stalagg dies, and it will die, you will be here crying.

Your view from your stack on Stalagg is indeed impressive.

All ideas look stupid when they would yank your advantage of faction bloat out from underneath you. Could you be any more transparent? Imagine defending your overwhelming numbers to the extent that you do.
How pitiful.