We need Dark Iron Humans

Hear me out:

Im sitting here thinking “it seema reasonable that Humans could be Shaman. KT makes sense. But the Stormwind Humans dont.”

And then I realized that its because Stormwind Humans are essentially the Bronze Beard humans. And the Kul Tiran are wildhammer humans.

The logic follows that we need some sort of Dark Iron Human contingent. Maybe like the Defias who got too into Shadow magic or something.

This makes sense with Blizzard design philosophy for the Alliance (Moar Humans!) And would give us a badly needed horse mount.

Would love your thoughts. Dont pull a GD and be gentile. Be honest.

The lie detector has determined this to be a lie.


ok we can have dark iron humans. but gnomes must be erased

Stormwind humans, in the most basic sense, follow The Light. Hence the cathedral square in their city, their king being a Priest/Paladin or whatever that crybaby pretends to be.
Would be strange for a sect of them to disregard the Light and follow a bunch of Elemental spirits instead.

I don’t think we need to duplicate any more existing races… not even for classes.

Dark iron females?


This is an interesting thought. Please continue.

Not really, they’d just be hippies.

Idk about dark iron humans but a slider to make dwarves slimmer would be a welcome option, might make one then.

This goes for all the races.

I thought we were discussing the idea to imbue humans with the powers of the firelands-- which is also seen with the Druids of the Flame. Odd they never worked together. :robot::thought_balloon: