We need clarification on multiboxing ban. There is more than one way

It seems there’s a lot of mis education about KVM’s in this thread.

A KVM is a SWITCH, you can control ONE of up to how ever many PC’s the switch supports. You don’t control for example 16 PC’s AT THE SAME TIME.

It’s a switch, not a splitter. KVM’s do nothing for multiboxing other than letting you use one key/mouse/monitor to control one PC, ONE AT A TIME.

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Multicaster, multiplexer, whatever you want to call it

Two things:

  1. That isn’t true. There are hardware solutions that don’t require additional software.
  2. Multiboxing isn’t cheating.

I don’t even multibox. It’s just not. :man_shrugging:

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Hardware methods are perfectly fine… because if you are mirroring inputs via actual hardware, then there absolutely has to be a physical person making those inputs in the first place. Software options on the other hand are being banned because it is entirely possible that a bot could be configured running on one account for a host machine and broadcasting its inputs over to other machines located elsewhere. current policies and detection methods would find the host, but not the slave bots, and if the host gets banned a new host could easily replace it… with software, you can’t ever guarantee that there is infact a person in control of the accounts.

Plus, banning input mirroring software severely hampers mass-multiboxing, which has been negatively impacting the game as a whole lately… so… kill two birds with one stone…

similar situation as you except I’m on the systems side of the admin window.

You can get to wow’s minimum specs with a 2011 mac mini running windows 10. That’s about 200 bucks ± OS costs. A monitor would be the most expensive part here, but the cheapest I’m aware of will set you back about 30, though any multiboxer worth their salt would probably only need 1 monitor connected to a KVM switch and would only monitor the ‘main’ player in their setup, swapping around as needed.

This isn’t true.


A botter could set something like this up and attach it to something like this


And they are back in business. I’m sure Blizz knows this and didn’t make their decision on that though.


Very disingenuous… the engineering feat required to assemble a physical input bot capable of playing world of Warcraft would enable whoever built it to abandon the prospect of running a gold farming business in an MMO and make a small fortune in legitimate buisness as a mechanical engineer in the robotics field. While theoretically possible, the likelihood of any botters out there actually constructing a functional rig of that caliber is nil.

No way dude, the standstill farming everyone hates could easily be reconstructed via hardware and addons like https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/gse-gnome-sequencer-enhanced-advanced-macros

O.o Gnome Sequencer addon is back? Iwhen did that happen? I thought Blizzard banned that addon a while back… or well broke its functionality and sent the author a heavily set of restrictions that included preventing progressing to the next item in the list if the current item can’t be performed… because one button macros while not directly against the ToS, were considered to violate the spirit of the ToS…

You’re thinking of soapbox I believe it was called. I (think) the difference between the two is Soapbox made decisions for you whereas GSE only does what you setup the macro to do. So I guess Soapbox could refresh dots at 5s left whereas GSE would just refresh it every time it got to it in the macro sequence.

That’s not it. I’m just not naive enough to think that setting up some sort of over the top hardware solution as a loophole to bypass the no input software policy still won’t result in a ban if you effectively have the same outcome of one person controlling multiple characters who are doing the exact same thing at the exact same time.



Not a loophole, hardware boxxing has always been allowed and is still currently allowed vs software methods that now aren’t.

They can’t detect the use of the hardware, so they would have no evidence to execute the ban.

WoW is not a court of law. Get reported by players that think you’re using key broadcasting/botting, and you’re probably getting banned.

Their stated purpose was to remove camouflage from bots. Why would they deep dive into confirming that 5 druids initiating the same actions at the same time, are being controlled by an elaborate hardware setup, and not just software warden wasn’t detecting? They’ll just ban, and then you get to find out if toeing around the spirit of the new tos is enough to be banned.

It’s not, it’s exactly what Blizz does. They ban without review based on reports.

You do understand that they updated their official policy to make it clear that mulitboxing is not against the rules right?

“Multiboxing, or playing multiple World of Warcraft accounts at once, is not a violation of our Terms of Use. Please note, however, that use of input broadcasting software may result in account penalties.”

Perhaps you are the only hears what they want?


So a group of guildees can go around reporting anyone they want in the name of “botting” and those targetted players are just going to get banned?

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Multiboxing just needs to be bannable by default. Blizz allowing this cancer in the game just to keep a few extra subs has always been insane to me.

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They are not going to ban anyone purely upon player reporting. Otherwise people would just run around and report everyone, by the end of the month there would be no one left…

Can’t wait for blizzard to ban everyone in the future that goes about and wastes even more money to get around the new rules.

I just don’t understand people any more.