In an ongoing effort to NOT need addons, this is a hot one for me. Please allow us to configure sounds for each chat notification: /party, /guild, /tells, etc.
This is an absolute necessity for modern MMOs, and none of the addons that provide this have decent sounds right now. Or they’re a pain to configure.
One of them even plays sounds on the computer instead of through the game, so if I mute WOW, I can still hear the notifications, which I don’t want. (Scared me to death while watching Netflix loudly lol)
So many people seem to miss whispers now since they changed the way chat works and for some inexplicable reason made is so the default setting is for new whispers to go into their own tabs
Two of my pet hates are change for the sake of change, and forcing new features by making them the default setting so people need to mess around to get things back how they were originally.