We need better balancing in group content

Main Problem now is Healers went out of Balance since 10.1.5.

Groups don’t wait for Healers, they wait for Heal Paly to apply.

Most other healing classes just getting declines all the way

Someone standing in stuff that one shots them is not a healer problem, and I don’t know why you think that it is a healer problem.

And if someone dies because healer sucks, isn’t that a dps problem because now they need to do even more if timer is a concern. (Especially, when grouping with an augmentation evoker.)

Some people don’t, but the general consensus around here is that the healers are to blame when someone dies. It’s the same issue with tanking and why tanks are becoming more rare, healers and tanks don’t want to keep getting blamed when it is not their fault, but DPS are very quick to point the finger at people, so, we stop pugging and the posts about all the tanks and healers missing start up.

So it’s a perception issue, and not uhm, a healer issue.

And once people are knowledgeable they can just laugh at people who think otherwise. Really only like 5% of my groups had raging whispers… it’s very minor.

But you always end up finding those players who lay blame, even upwards of M20 you find them, players who get carried, never admit fault, never get told what they are doing wrong and think it is all on someone else.

Healers and tanks just don’t want to have to deal with all that.

And dps want to deal with players who don’t know how to play?

Key is bricked because of X, Y and Z. May or may not be that individual’s fault.

Some of the tank pulls in +23s have been very questionable.

Also, have received rage as a dps sometimes when I leave a key. It’s more of a time vs completion issue than a role one.

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You sound like someone who has never tanked or healed in pugs, or for any amount of time for that matter. Trust me, DPS have it easy, if you think the abuse you cope as a DPS is bad, go try get KSM as a pug tank or healer and see how much garbage you have to deal with.

I have KSH as a healer, and now have done every key on 20+ as augmentation.

Have healed since Cataclysm pretty much. Kinda tanked during wrath /cata too (but not anything significant.)

It’s just that “one” bad experience people remember.

Think 90% pugs, 10% organized fail groups.

It’s almost like the roles are different from one another for a specific reason… I wonder what that reason could POSSIBLY be (group content)… Forumites be like: “nope, I have no clue”.

The forums over exaggerate all the time.

I’ve seen a healer kind of flamed once ever so far in DF because they wouldn’t dispel the tank on the first boss in BH after it was explained 5 times and 3 tries.

I’ve healed probably 200ish keys so far this expansion and have never had a single person blame me for them dying. It’s normally silent or the person says “my bad”

All pugs mind you.

how many groups have you left early? Think that changes things more. Went through 8 or so so groups in a day while trying for Neltharus portal.

I’ve been the first to leave a key once in all of DF.

It was a SBG in season 1 and the blood DK I swear didn’t have marrowrend on his bar and never was putting up boneshield and kept dropping.

I’ve left maybe 50 groups (as first.) So a few did rage. For s2 I think.

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I think the first person to bail is always going to get rage regardless of role.

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did have people rage when I leave a dps too.


Tbf I’ve probably left more keys this season than any other regardless of role (granted it is still probably only around a dozen). There is too much hinging on timing the key this season compared to previous ones that I don’t see a benefit to sticking out for a 45 minute slog when I know we aren’t timing 15-20 minutes in.

I don’t get a portal on untimed and I also get pretty much 0 Aspects Crests. I can fail to time 2 keys and STILL need the 5 timed keys to get a 447 crafted piece.

It’s even more annoying because the timers are “free” so something HORRENDOUSLY bad has to happen for it to be bricked. I got my Uldaman Portal on a like 8 death run with us losing like 90 seconds to combat not dropping after Emberon and having to kill ourselves.

VP is pretty unforgiving though it has a close timer

You don’t really need to run meta comps in anything lower than a 25. Groups that try that are bad and not really worth the time.

To be clear. It doesn’t matter if there’s 2, 3, 4 DPS slots. There are some classes with bad mythic+ kits that are going to have difficulty getting into groups. That is just how it is. Changing group size will not fix this, nerfing the best spec this game has ever done up with won’t change this.

It’ll never be balanced.

Even if blizz did better balancing things it would be completely undone at the next xpac when they completely redesign everything.

Yeh but in the same vein as us crying wolf over OP classes, we should hold Blizzard accountable for a better balanced game. We let them get away with simply nerfing OP classes to bring them in line with under performing specs, then nerfing dungeons and raids until it’s on easy mode for the top echelon of players, and that’s boring and dumb.

I wouldn’t mind hard and challenging content, if I could choose any class or spec and have an equal chance to do it, but as it stands you need to swap around classes on the regular to ensure you give yourself the best chance.