We need better balancing in group content

Generic utility should be spread over more classes. Blizzard rightly recognized ages ago that having a cooldown as powerful as Bloodlust exclusive to Shamans is dumb but refuse to apply the same logic to every other buff or major form of utility.

Or just make it so professions can provide buffs again. No reason Scribes shouldn’t be able to make AP/Int/Fort Scrolls or Alchemists shouldn’t be able to make a weapon oil that applies the physical or magic debuff, or whatever.

That way the only problem to solve is picking classes based on their tuning and damage profile and that’s a way easier nut to crack.


Their logic in why they got rid of those scrolls is just insane since they can never balance this game to save their mum.

I get it, you get it, that dude who does no DPS in an M2 and is the first person to complain about the other players gets it, we know, you want us to pick and choose and be careful who we take with us to min max our groups and raids and try to be all inclusive.

“Take the mage” says Blizzard.
“But Blizzard, mages are garbage” says ever player ever.
“Good news guys, mages get a rework” says Blizzard.
…for a week.

In basically every raid leading up to DF my group always had a mage, DH, monk, warrior and priest. In S1 of DF we were lucky enough to still have them, plus the druid buff that came back, the whole ‘This is my main’ vibe was still ongoing from SL.

Fast forward halfway through S1 and we lost our warrior, mage, DH, druid and monk (me). But we got an evoker, sometimes. Now it’s easier to say what we do have, a priest. That’s it, one whole group buff. 5% magical and physical debuff on the boss, gone. 5% bonus AP and Int, gone.

Because of how badly this game is balanced both in terms of classes/specs and the content we are doing, no one is really playing those classes anymore that offer buffs, my group is gimping ourselves by 5% overall additional damage the bosses can take from the debuffs and the additional damage from the buffs.

And the problem we are facing with Augvokers? We never even had our own evoker to begin with, we have one on loan when they can make it, so we don’t even have an evoker to add in for the group buffs.

This sounds boring really. Augmentation while fun, doesn’t give the same sense of accomplishment as healing.

I used to heal on 3 specs but due to dragonflight raising max level to 20 keys I quit doing it. If I can’t go all in I know better than to waste my time. Maybe next expansion they will lessen trying to make this an esport but I won’t hold my breath.

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I feel accomplished when I even find a healer these days.

sounds like you don’t like healing at all. What’s wrong with having more to strive for?

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Groups just accept me because I play augmentation. Have you tried joining groups and not as a hunter?

With what they done with healing, mind you, MID EXPANSION, then again with off spec healing, along with up to four players who instantly blame the healer when something goes wrong, what even is there it like?

I used to heal on my druid, all BFA and SL I was healing and tanking, I loved it, I have been healing since way back in MoP across a variety of healers and I always loved it.

But change after change after change it just makes it so stressful and cumbersome, there is nothing to like about it anymore.

I main a tank.

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There’s more action in Dragonflight S1 (before they gutted everything) and S2 before augmentation evokers.

There wasn’t much to do in Shadowlands because it was one hard check, then a very long period in which your group can’t really fail.

More action does not make it better, having a ton more things to get hit by and more things to watch out for, more to dodge, more damage to heal, more chance to fail, that is not a recipe for more fun.


I have a job that is why. I want to have fun not update spread sheets before I play a freaking game for my fun time. BTW I strive to have fun not get stressed out by passive aggressive abusive types which this game seems to attract.

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more action does make it better. It’s an infinite scaling difficulty system that everyone can find their rightful place.

And SL +15 should equal DF +13 or so.

I have a job that is why. I want to have fun not update spread sheets before I play a freaking game for my fun time. BTW I strive to have fun not get stressed out by passive aggressive abusive types which this game seems to attract.

There’s nothing wrong with stopping at +2.

Just as not everyone raids mythic.

Nah dude more action is not better, it will get to a point where they just keep adding and adding and adding until you cannot even play the game. Just look at Neltharus, so many frontal, ground effects, uninterruptable casts that need CC, interrupts, chain mechanics, the list goes on, there is so much happening it very easily overwhelms many.


Nothing required more dodging than Azureblade yet.

The real issue is that is you do lower keys you get players that say “It’s only an 8 pull everything the healer is geared.” Then they proceed to stand in fire etc etc LOL. Even when they aren’t geared themselves. Heck look at LFR it’s constantly wipes because folks say it’s only lfr pull all the trash then they say oops rofl.

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that’s why you go up keys, and play with better players.

And then you find 20s are simple cause everyone knows how to play.

You can’t fault the game when you’re playing with people that don’t belong there at all…

The lower key issue cannot be solved unless if they make dungeons soloable.

Also wiped in a +2 (while valor farming) Only pulled half the trash to the boss + the boss itself hehheh.

Yeh but you need to get past the 18’s where:

You can literally go up to 16-18 in some keys because of this mentality before you hit a wall of mechanics that turf you and players even at that level start yelling at screaming at each other not knowing what is going on and just want to play the blame game.

Healers do NOT want to deal with that, so they either stop healing or just do premade content only.


I deal with groups like that with 1 wipe = new group.

The idea that groups will always be flawless isn’t possible if a realistic chance of failure is to be present.

DPS need to hope for healers that can actual heal. Healers need to hope for players that can play. And everyone needs the tank to actually use their abilities.

Also: why is it only the healer impacted if they play with bad players?

they should just delete everything and have one class with one ability and one transmog and people would still argue

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No so you take what you can, take that one hunter asking for an invite on raging week hoping they will tranq shot enemies only to find out they didn’t even take tranq shot. And you are stuck with them because there was literally no one else to take.

I cannot count the amount of times the guys I play with umm and uhh when our choice is take a pug or don’t do M+ because we don’t have what we need. On a Monday to Tuesday we pug, why not, weeks over, who cares if our key tanks. But start of the week we sometimes just don’t play, and even when we do try to pug we wait for a healer, we wait for someone to fill a gap, it’s insane that you cannot just do what Ion told us to do:
Take the player and not the class.
Take the higher geared player because iLVL matters.

None of it matters, having the right talents, trinkets and spec is far, far more important than anything in this game and some players have just had enough, they don’t want to play with a sub optimal group that consists of an assass rogue, an SV hunter and a WW monk while trying to heal a BrM and risk having no one take anything to deal with afflicted.

That’s the problem, that’s why we need changes and balances, it always comes down to the healer being at fault and every second mechanic being a tank and healer mechanic.