We need a solution to 40Mans in SoD

You wanna do 40mans? Cool! However, half of my server is trying to absorb the other half and no one wants to budge. Everyone’s in conflict on how to navigate the problem AND the raids.

I have a job that’s demanding already. I don’t need to be scrambling to figure out what to do for next phase for the 20-30 people who trust I’ll have a solution as their GM.

IMO. 20/Flex or SoD is dead. I, and the majority of the people loyal to my guild, they’re not going to continue if we’re forced to either not raid or dissolve. Already exhausted from the 20man change.


so let the other half take on the GM role, and sit back, relax and enjoy the content.

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40 mans are gross. 20 man is perfect. if u have to, bump it up go to 25 and call it a day. 40 man will constantly be needing to fill or pug.


Good thing MC will 100% be 20man and after that short phase of 20man MC, blizz will likely make all 40mans , 20mans after the data they’ll collect from the 20man MC iterations


There’s only one solution, then.

Quit your job.


Spoken like someone whose never ran a guild. I fundamentally disagree with op, but his concerns are valid. Don’t do him like that.

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10 man is perfect, anything higher is just too many failure points to be worth considering for something that should be more than just a play with one hand while eating Cheetos watching a comedy sketch on your second screen kind of content. Mass player events should be left to open world shenanigans like organizing a raid on a faction capital, a raid for the Ashenvale event, or hell maybe that’s what nightmare incursions should have been.


Funny you believe blizzard will do that - Because they wont. And SoD will die more than it is now :rofl:

The solution is to make everything 10man, or flex.

Anything else = dead SoD.


You’re the GM, you make a solution.
This is exactly your role, to recruit or negotiate your roster into existence.

If you don’t want to manage, or aren’t capable of managing, a 40 man roster then you should negotiate for your roster to be absorbed into a guild that can and will.


Bro we have dps to down 40 man ragnaros right now and we dont even need to stack meta classes for it lol.

but they did it to sunken temple and now MC so there’s my evidence. Can you potentially have valid backing to your claim? SoD’s not “Dead” it did die in p2 but came back in p3. if youre not enjoying the game that doesn’t make it dead. rather dead to you ;p SoD will easily peak at 60s for sure. Every server can die but as long as 20-40k players all play on 1 server (bene faerlina for example) it will never be a dead game. Also i barely play wow anymore i only play league so id be unaffected if the game died tbh

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I hope not, 40 mans are iconic and have been a traditional main attraction of classic wow existing in the first place.

I personally am very much looking forward to 40 man content in SoD, it will be a fresh take on a unique raiding experience that cannot be had in any other version of WoW.


ya i like 40mans as well but theyre not worth the hassle unless ofc you are not a raid officer/council/lead which 99.99% of players are not i would also see why they find 40mans being amazing. In my opinion flex 20/40 would be perfect for the overall experience! we’ve also never done the classic 40mans on 10 or 20mans so on a seasonal server it would be awesome to test :slight_smile:


I’d be happy with a size option with different loot, like other versions of classic (wotlk) with 10/25 differences.

40 man, in my opinion, deserves a greater reward for the greater effort of organizing it.

You say ‘not worth’, but traditionally guild or pug leadership provides themselves some kind of incentive reward for putting in this effort, usually in the form of loot prio or some kind of item reserve.

source: i was GM/RL for two 40man teams in vanilla classic.

10 are/were awful


Yepp couldn’t agree more with you. However 40mans do not deserves a greater reward. The more players in WoW raids = less difficulty. Unless you’re speaking on mythic raiding.

organizing a 40man and RL it as someone who also has done like yourself, you should be traumatized. but i guess thats just my opinion. we shall see what we get ! :smiley:


It was tough, and I don’t want to do it again (too much work/IRL), but when I look back on it was by far the most enjoyable and rewarding gaming experience i’ve had in any game, ever.


40 is just too many. In human psychology there are certain spheres that we can contain others in. The sphere that allows us to create lasting friendships with others can grow from 5 man to 10 man to 20 man, but it caps out around there. You can only ever be casual acquaintances with the other 20 of your 40 man. It goes from playing with your friends to playing with co-workers. It’s simply inferior to 20 man.

Aggrend knows this. The language he uses is effort vs pay-off to retrofit the raids, not fun vs fun.


With all of this conjecture, how can you explain that the love for 40man raids was one of the main driving factors behind classic wow being created in the first place? The absolute huge participation and success of MC->BWL->AQ->Naxx? The continued demand for classic era/SoM/SoD where 40man raids are present? The drop off in participation of classic as it moved onto 25man limited size expansions?

Is this another ‘you think you do, but you don’t’ moment?