I don’t know about a new mount, but our next city needs to be epic like a sanctuary Suramar. Like we bring Zinashari back from the past. Not ugly Nazjatar.
I know blizz likes circle cities, but imagine a revamped Silvermoon with terraces, plazas, catwalks, high towers with portal connections that overlook the countryside.
Omg I just came up with the ultimate gold sink mount!!! A whale !!! It does nothing but flounder around and blows water out of a spout, a giant blue whale I’m serious I would buy it to flex!!!
Why do you think they care if you see a bunch of people on the Bruto? They don’t care if you see a bunch of people on the KSM mount or the free mounts we get from Renown levels so why the Bruto? Because it’s not about seeing players on the mount it’s about giving players a way to avoid having to go to the city.
How about instead of a new mount that costs a billion gold we just make people pay upkeep on the rest of their mounts in their tabs that they don’t use anymore.
Like say every month you have to spend 100g for each mount in your tab to keep them available or they will grey out and then you have to pay 10,000g to unlock it again.
Well obviously I don’t care about the opinions on poor pleasant like yourself who don’t even have a million gold, this thread is for those of us who can afford such luxuries.
I would much rather have a gold sink in line with what they did in BC. Add in a larger inventory bag, and give us something most people would buy several over on several different characters.
They already did that with the AH mount, I hardly thing a barber mount would be worse and would let us have access to the new customizations far easier.
Well, we’re talking about bringing back the mount without an AH on it, so it wouldn’t be the same mount. Folks that already have the first one could get the second one, too.
But I don’t think a second brutosaur should be limited time only. That should be a totally different mount - AND - it should be clear from the moment the mount appears in the game that it is limited time only.
What they did with the original bruto - deciding internally to remove it after it had been in the game a while (even though no gold sink mounts had ever been removed before) - and not even making an official announcement about it (it was data mined and outed here on the forums) - was the lowest and worst way to make any change in the game.
Alot of the gold with legendaries gets traded between players so its not really pulling that much gold out of the game. A 10 million gold mount goes directly to a NPC removing it from the game and countering inflation.
Not to be nasty or anything, but this is one of the worst ideas ever. I mean, sure, it’s pretty good from an RP standpoint. I have to feed and take care of my real life horse every day, and it’s not pocket change. But c’mon. There are achieves for collecting hundreds of mounts. No one wants to pay rent on mounts they own. No one.
Actually someone here was on to something why don’t they add the brutasaur mount back without the vendors for much less, some of us actually really like and want the dinosaur mount alone just make it less than 1 million gold or something without the vendors.