We need a Necromancer class so that DK can be tamed

Lore wise, Hunters can tame Druids, Warlocks can tame Demon Hunters, and Priest can tame Paladin.

So, without any natural tamers in the wild, Death Knights would or could run amok without anyone that can dominate over them.

So it is imperative we have the natural tamers of Death Knights: The Necromancer. I believe Necromancers can add immersion to the game especially in the RP community where they can finally having Death Knights submit to their Necromancer masters.


What happens in lore and what happens in the game are often two very different things.

How you might imagine being able to tame a player character I’m not quite sure… :thinking:

I just did a TBC dungeon. A Broken Draenei Hunter tamed a Night Elf Druid. It was a very immersive experience.

In game, I believe that the RP community would have both the creativity and the fortitude to role play where the Druid is the Hunter’s pet.


I get what you’re saying, but also, DKs can cast Control Undead, but DKs are also Undead.

So lorewise, DKs should be able to control DKs.

Whichever DK can get the drop on the other DK gets to be the boss lol


I sometimes find it hard to tell on these forums - are you actually being serious, or is this an early Sunday Joke post?

PS: So was the druid character tamed or controlled? Warlocks can control wild demons but not actually tame them.

Oh yeah, I remember that guy!

Funny thing about the Underbog. Whenever I go in there I start singing “Underbog! Underbog” like the theme song for Underdog lol


DKs can tame other DKs. :slight_smile:

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Hey if baldurs gate 3 can do it, so can i

Well Dks aren’t professional necromancers they just dabble. So a real Necro is a possibility as a new class that specializes fully in that forbidden power.

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Death Knights have always been immune to the control of mere necromancers.

I’ll always support a Necromancer spec/class.

Warcraft III style.


The hidden message in thread…

Players wanting to “tame” other players…
Necromancer suddenly becoming a cool feathery hat wearing fussy coat with animal print wearing Vegas Street Entertainment Contractor.

No force on this Earth can tame me! –Insert aggressive gnome noises here!–

In lore, Necromancers are below Death Knights in hierarchy, therefore it’s Necromancers that would end up being dominated :slight_smile:

Also Death Knights are supposed to be an unstoppable force unless someone has the power of plot holes…

NOTE: It’s interesting to note that the first Death Knights were actually created by a Warlock, I.e. Gul’dan.

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I’ll never be tamed! No brez for you!

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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The druid he somehow tamed was a tauren druid…not an elf. If you watch the bear after beating him back to his senses it’s very clearly revealed. Also I do apologize but the idea of a hunter taming a druid or enslaving them is not a hero concept…that’s a villain thing… the kind of thing we players put someone to death for in game like we did that broken. Just because a class could control another doesn’t mean we should as nobody likes being forced to do things against their will, a fact of which I’m sure all the gnomes my priest made jump off a cliff in Arathi Basin back in Cata would agree with.

Canonically correct. Tamed druid in Underbog.

I mean… theoretically correct, under the right conditions a powerful warlock could enslave (not tame) a weaker demon hunter…


You see, through doctrines and dogmas, a Priest can easily tame a Paladin, devoted to the faith, to fight for the cause of the Priest and thus be tamed by the said Priest.

Cool story…?

So when out of topics to force in a ‘warthin’ you make posts asking to be dominated by necromancers like some weird bdsm undead fantasy…
Maybe watching twilight and 50 shades of gray back to back was a bad idea for you op.

I am feeling some serious ick.