We need a Golden Saucer

I swear that’s got to be the most alliance thing ever lol

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I misread this title so so so so so wrong

I read the title way differently at first. Way differently.

I don’t think it’s a horrible idea.

“It was interesting but then I got sick of it” sounds like a you problem.

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Two comments in this thread attempting to passively throw shade at people with alliance characters.

Tell us Manduin is living rent free in your head without telling us.

Bring on the bunny outfits and you got a deal.

Every time I ever went to the golden saucer in FF14 it was deserted. I’ve played that game on and off since it launched. Almost no one has any reason to go in there after they get the few items even worth mentioning.

At least people show up to the darkmoon faire, even on my dead server. Gotta get that WHEEE buff lol

It gets busier when they have the Make it Rain event.

Heck yeah I’m an alliance main, I only play human! :sunglasses:

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“Oh Player Housing will take an entire patch”
Seeds of Renewal wraps things up. What? We don’t have time till fall of next year?
WHERE’S MY HOUSE!? Blizz is already charging more for preorders, throw us a bone!
Though, adding a boost along with the preorder was a nice move blizz, even with the base!

Sure, but if the Darkmoon Faire was even half of what the Golden Saucer is it would have a lot more people.

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It’s like comparing Disney World to some random popup fair in a city or small town.

No one goes to the DMF because there’s nothing to do there. You’d actually think it would be even MORE exciting than the flying saucer since it’s only around a limited time. But, it doesn’t even compete.

I’m not really a ff14 player, but when I do decide to sub in, I find myself at the FS pretty often lmao.


Hard agree. If they took the time to rework it into someone more like the Gold Saucer and make it permanent, I think it would be a big hit.

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No one who play this game at even like the +13 level needs 438 gear.

A couple other important differences between DMF and Gold Saucer besides the ones that have been mentioned already:

  1. The rewards for the mini games can only be earned once a day. Even if DMF was permanent by having tickets locked behind daily quests it prevents the faire from fulfilling to role of doing it as often and as long as you like when you need a break from the “normal” content

  2. DMF is a very solo experience. In the Saucer the majority of the mini games are semi social experiences. Even though you’re not completing for the main mini games you still are doing the various mini games as a large group so it makes it feel more social and exciting even if you don’t actually have to interact with anyone. Doing something “solo” collectively as a group has a very different feel from doing something “solo” by yourself. (For example sitting doing nothing in your garrison vs sitting doing nothing in Org/SW)

  3. Gold Saucer is a collection of various different forms of “side content”. Obviously the big ones are the GATE mini games (such as the leap of faith jump puzzles). However, it’s also the main hub for the Triple triad Card games stuff, Chocobo racing, Mahjong, Xmog mini game, and now the fall guys collab among other stuff. If blizz were to ever give DMF a major overhaul I think it’d be good to not just have mini games but hubs for a lot of the different side content. A bigger, more involved pet battle section, Trial of style/xmog activities, Dragon racing.

DMF has a lot of untapped potential IMO. Naturally it doesn’t have to be (nor should it be) a one to one copy of the Saucer, but there’s definitely some good lessons/ideas that could be applied. In general I’d love to see DMF become a permanent, and much larger hub that would be home to all of wow many various mini games and different ideas. It would help keep some things more evergreen and give players a nice destination for when the need a break from the usual wow loop.


WoW players are the sh1teaters apparently.

We need the OG FF7 basketball game imo

It would also require Blizz to constantly update the rewards in DMF. The reason the GS works so well is because SE is constantly throwing new rewards there, Blizz has a bad habit of introducing things and then very very rarely will they go back and update the rewards or event.

I absolutely think this would be a good idea. All the ridiculous naysaying about how it will take away from end game is… well… Curious.

If people find something fun that takes away from something less fun, that’s a problem how?

Plus it wont.

Contrary to what some people do, not everyone does mythic all their play time.

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yeah too bad that we don’t need side games in a game to have a reason to play?