We need a bluepost on Transfer Error/ Lua Error on transfer

Thanks for linking loosh.
4 hours late but we have an Acknowledgementt of the issue
Hopefully tomorrow is better

You crack me up

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thanks for bumping the post to bring attention to the issue bud =D

You mean their was an issue???

Who could of seen this coming?

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certainly not whoever was in charge of these transfers

Mine says error, the realm is not accepting new characters at this time.

Can blizzard do anything right?

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18 hours later no blue post ?

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Do they even have ā€œbluesā€ working for Blizzard anymore?

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Iā€™m still getting the Lua Error. Bump

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So, for anyone following this post. Here is what happened for me.

I went to bed after being stuck with the LUA error, and Error notification cogwheel.

*The error cogwheel eventually went away and i was still able to login to living flame.

  • I logged in around 11am cst to see if transfers were open and working. To my suprise I now had a transfer in progress, with a 3hour timer. which eventually completed

*I did not attempt to ā€œreinitateā€ the transfer process from the store. I went to bed after being stuck with the error and in the morning it was in progress. But it seems this is not what happened for everyone.

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Blizzard, please help transfer my character to Crusader Strikeā€¦ I been dealing with this LUA/error since transfers went live yesterday. I canā€™t believe I canā€™t get resolution on this. Please advise ASAP!

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All characters are transferred. First tried last night at around 9pm PT

Its just a waiting game it seems.


Tried xfer last night, woke up still broke.

Next? Stop trolling. Youā€™re a toxic man child just quit.


I woke up and my toon was xfered idk.

Keep waiting champ.

Calling someone a man child is kinda ironic when youre the biggest liar on the forums.

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Where is your proof of lying? Youā€™re literally trolling people in threads about getting ERRORS on transferring. They need to mute you for a wile.


I had the same errors.

It was red, it said try back later or something.

I logged on, it said i had 2 days to wait.

I did some stuff a few hours later i came back and it was xfered.

Idk what to say.

I proved i was xfered this toon is now on CS as Peepojorts.

Im back in org, i just hit 55.

Im outside org, layer 3, where u at?

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