We need a bluepost on Transfer Error/ Lua Error on transfer

It’s the year 2024, 15k is not a large number of accounts. That’s pathetic lack of scaling.


All Im getting now is red texts on my toons name saying “Error Free Character Transfer”



How well are your mmo servers doing?

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Did you ever think to try posting on the customer service forum?

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Good idea

Thanks for sharing!

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You’re welcome. :smiling_face:

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Yes, but unfortunatly blizzard isnt saying or doing anything

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Just checked & still same issue. Hopefully we hear something about this tomorrow, EARLY.
This FCM was horribly done. G’night.

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Working as intended… Blizzard intends it to not work.

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yup. still not working for me.

even did a fresh install on my laptop to rule out anything to do with the wow client on my PC. they really should be posting something about this…

is this an issue with my character? it it my account? or just blizzard screwing up another major even?

we may never know

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A lot of my guild friends has the same problem…
Any solution?


We arnt even exactly sure what the problem is, certainly no solution.
we just wait for blizzard to fix their code, and hopefully say something in the meantime

They all gonna whine.

Go to bed.

Wake up and toon is xfered lmao

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that would be nice, but i cant even start the transfer.

Honestly Blizzard messing up big events like this is so on brand at this point that it shouldn’t be annoying anyone.

But its still annoying.


In case you guys haven’t realized yet

The classic wow devs are not only overworked but they are also genuinely incompetent


a blue post…that’s cute.

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You are right sir. Kinda sad that we cant actually expect good service from blizz though.

what we could really use is a fix, but i would still settle for an offical response

You will get one in a few days, or maybe tomorrow…full of empty promises and assurances.

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