We might as well postpone 9.1 to 2022

Blizz better do SOMETHING in November… FF14 Endwalker will be coming out on time and ready to shatter expectations on November 23…

And Blizzard will be countering this with their… Sylvanas book?


They can’t. They need to make a major content patch for november 16th or 23rd.

Watch them release 9.1 near FFXIV endwalker release date :rofl: :sweat_smile: Show how spiteful they can be to other video games that are better then them.

Sadly, they already have a way created to “save Sylvannas” persay…or redeem her at least and its pathetic. It was a retcon too. When Arthas killed Uther(which also got retconned), half of his soul went to SL, half of it went to Arthas’s blade which made no sense…except as a way to serve to redeem Sylvannas having her “good soul portion” stay in the maw while her revenge-filled version in control of the Sylvannas we know.


In all seriousness I think they’re lining up 9.2 for November. A few people used to the PTR process think they’re rushing the tests to get 9.1 out so it’s probably coming out late June or July. And at the same time a 5 or 6 months patch cycle would buy them back a bit of the good will they lost about their content patch management, on top of hitting a “strategic” (lol) release week.

Calls for August is more realistic. Even if they were working on 9.2 behind the scenes, it will be just as bad as 9.1 bc they wouldn’t have learned anything from it.

For the guy above describing recolors… there are SOOOO many. I haven’t seen a blizz team so lazy with gear graphics. I mean, copy and paste has been around for awhile, but this is pretty bad.
My friends quit and recolors won’t bring em back either.

How about we just cancel shadowlands and ret con it entirely. sounds like the best option tbh.

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“Shadowlands was a filler expansion and it all happened inside the mind of Tyrande.”
She wakes up.
The Champions of Azeroth are still trying to figure out what to do with the now imprisoned Leader of the Horde, Garrosh Hellscream.
Medivh shows up and says that no portals to other planets will ever be never ever created again.


Please Blizzard. I know you didn’t plan this out but use this as an opportunity not to have us languish for a year plus in the final tier of this expansion.

I’d say we should just skip it and just jump to the next expansion already and pretend SL never existed.

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It’s pretty obvious they will release a 9.2 mega patch around Endwalker release and then there won’t be much of a 9.3 if there is one at all.

They did something similar in BfA, with the 8.2 mega patch around SB release and then 8.3 sucked with repurposed zones.