<We Gucci> 8/8M LFM

We Gucci - Kil’jaeden is currently recruiting to strengthen and expand our raiding roster.

Who We Are

We Gucci is a progression oriented, 3 night a week raiding guild. Many of us have been raiding in WoW since Vanilla, and a few of us have spent a significant chunk of that time playing together. Our goal for this expansion is to improve the average quality of our players and push our way towards the top spot of the 12-hour guilds.

That’s a Bold Claim Cotton

It is indeed! Fortunately, we have a lot of very talented players and a genuine desire to improve. The key to success for any guild raiding on a shorter schedule is to minimize downtime during raid. When a boss dies the entire raid needs to be on point and moving immediately to trash. When we’re iterating on an encounter we need to avoid needless strat changes, academic arguments or loss of focus. Right now this is something we’re good-ish at, and it’s a major point of focus for us in terms of improvement. If we can take strong players and make them disciplined, we will be successful.


We pride ourselves on a relaxed, enjoyable raid atmosphere. Our members realize that this is a game, and killing bosses is what makes the game fun. We love us some friendly banter and name calling, but know where to draw the line. Leave the raging at the door and keep an open mind.

What We’re Looking For

We’re after players who will research fights and participate in strategy discussions on the forums prior to coming to raid, who have great communication skills, and who can play the hell out of their class. That means knowing your class inside and out in order to optimize your damage/healing throughput for every encounter. We’re only raiding 3 nights a week and have high expectations, so we prefer not to waste raid time wiping to silly things.

Raid Times

Wednesday 8:30-12:30 PST
Thursday 8:30-12:30 PST
Monday 8:30-12:30 PST

How Do I Get That Phat Lewt Man

We use a pretty basic loot council approach. There is some bias for performance and attendance, but in general the goal is to ensure that we’re stacking the deck in our favor without taking things to any extremes. In the end, loot is an incentive for people to continue showing up, and if you cram everything onto your perceived all-star, or prioritize marginal upgrades for one player over large gains for another for the wrong reasons, things spiral out of control quickly.

Our Current Needs

We are always searching for exceptional players, regardless of their class/spec, but are currently prioritizing the following:

Holy Paladin (immediate opening)

Still, we encourage anyone who feels like they’re an outstanding player to apply on our website which is located on our Wowprogress page.

http:// wegucci.enjin .com


Fuzzywombat [Discord: Fuzzywombat#2096]
Raegon [Bnet: Raegon#1844; Discord: Raegon#0510]
Caburriito [Bnet: Caburrito#1354; Discord: Caburrito#1354]

Amazing team. Looking for a few more to really solidify next tier!

Going to the top!

I <3 Alphos and Sinzhu. I guess Bob too.

Updated to include Warlock.

bumpity boop

Edited for current need.

Looking for a Holy Pally.

3/9M in BoD. Need one big healer!

Guild is full of big meanies.

Even the competition bumps our posts ^^^