We got our delay! But how long?

Post on your main coward


Drop the leveling changes and get rid of corruption/azerite/essences and sure, I’m game for that.

You’d be wrong because I don’t want to wait six months for it to be released. Battle for Azeroth is Blizzard’s longest running WoW expansion in history.

I can deal with bugs. Those can be fixed.

If you don’t want to play until you deem it to be ready, come back in patch 9.1.


bad news azerite and essences dont stop until you go thru the veil

Nothing will change, there will still be major problems when it goes public because they don’t have a big enough testing group to account for everything, they won’t change the games tagline things like player power on covenants until at least a year after release, and balancing is impossible with a system this complex anyway.

And make us play 8.3 for 6 more months? Until corruptions and essences go away, I dont even see the point of playing now except to impose the WM tax on leveling alliance.

Why should they delay folks have blindly preordered plus the sub fees. It’s about the money they will spin any negative press as always.

Ah,Houston ,we have a problem.

I don’t know the exact law verbage, but the gist is that because they took pre orders and said fall 2020, they are held to that or have to, at a minimum, issue refunds. EU laws in particular are much more in favor of the consumer also and I seem to recall there even being potential for fines and stuff incurred by Blizzard should they delay also.

Issuing refunds becomes even more problematic since people used the boost and/or the other items. Blizzard would be forced to eat the cost of those and then those who got refunded could purchase shadowlands again and receive yet another boost/perks.

Even then, there is an intangible loss here too which is delaying will put a lot of negative attention on them from the internet. It’ll be a corporate embarrassment which they certainly want to avoid too. They don’t even have the COVID wrecked us excuse because the launch date was announced post the COVID economy/workforce changes.

From the game support side, Blizzard also wants to get the game rolled out ASAP so it can go through the normal new expansion pains before the Thanksgiving holiday where people start taking vacation and they’ll be on an even more skeleton crew. It would be a nightmare for support if it got delayed even by 1-2 weeks.

Also let’s not forget the missed financial opportunity to get retail sales for the Christmas holiday…

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They aren’t allowed to delay content without making content, thats the rules

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Yeah, it is getting harder and harder to avoid. Seems like every other piece of gear I pick up is corrupted.


I want my sub put on pause if that’s the case. I paid for 6 month sub recently because of release coming up.

Hard pass on 6 more months of BFA.

They’d lose more consumer momentum doing that than they would in people frustrated by any potential fixes they’d do within that time.

I certainly would continue playing other games and would let my sub lapse.

If the forums got to determine when things were finished there’d never be a finished product to release.

I’d be taking a break if that’s the case. Doesn’t seem like there’s a lot to do at the moment, maybe I need to find a new in-game hobby

(puts on tinfoil hat)

I’m pretty sure they secretly upped the percentages since it’s going away during the pre-patch.


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When you say “we can’t have another BfA or WoD” again, I do agree. WoW has never had 2 expansions in a row that were near-universally considered “bad”.

If Shadowlands is another bust in the same vein as WoD or BfA, it’ll be a first, and it’ll be VERY interesting to see how the game’s population reacts to it.

That said, I don’t think having a little wonky tuning or a couple week-1 patches to fix bugs that didn’t get caught in beta will make people consider the whole expansion a bust. That kinda stuff is gonna happen when it gets released pretty much no matter what, and Blizzard isn’t going to try and completely flip the design of Shadowlands no matter what feedback they get, so…

The basics of Shadowlands are what we’re getting.

A delay won’t change that, so it’s kind of pointless.

We’ll see how things turn out.

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Bad news for you, Jack. Azerite Traits and Essences are stayin’ in the prepatch.

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That just goes to show that you will settle for anything when we have an unfinished product