We got our delay! But how long?

Can’t. If you put pre orders up, you have to release in a certain time frame. I think they’ve got about a month they could delay it though while still meeting their obligations.

The Beta is in an extremely broken state for something that is exactly one month away from being released worldwide. Many of the systems straight-up don’t work and there are massive changes being made in more recent Beta builds to boot.

Considering Blizzard was able to get the expansion out before January 1st, 2021, many players saw the October 27th release date as incredibly premature. A month later and it looks even more premature.


No they work in Shadowlands, Blizzard just changed the names of them and added a few things to try to make it look like it is gone in SL.

You aren’t even an original troll. Come on now, up your Sunday thread game.


I mean they can’t delay the release really, like someone else said they have obligations with pre-orders and I think the bigger issue is they have revenue obligations. Pushing beyond Q4 2020 would be a pretty big red flag for shareholders and wouldn’t go over v well.

Guess it’ll be a fun first season of shadowlands :laughing:

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Duke Nukem Forever has entered the chat


For legal and financial reasons (especially in the EU), they literally can not push the date into 2021 without opening themselves up to massive woes on both the legal and financial front.

I agree that going purely by the state of the beta, things are not ready but I doubt we’ll see any delay at this point. Even if they could, delaying would be egg on their face.

I just hope their internal builds are more polished and farther along…balancing I don’t even give much of a crap about. The game in the beta is very much not ready for live.


oof 6months would be terrible.

most guilds are on standby… 6 months is a lot of time on standby ; raiders will start not showing up and hell will break lose :slight_smile:

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Please tell me you say UwU in RL after every sentence.

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I don’t really understand why they can’t push it to 2021. Delays happen all the time and due to COVID I think it is completely reasonable

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Well they must of already got their Shadowland pre-order numbers, to release it in another garbage unfinished state.

Sunday :white_check_mark:
Low level alt :white_check_mark:
Single digit posts :white_check_mark:


you say UwU in RL after every sentence. UwU

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That’s it, it’s deer hunting season…

6months seems a tad bit crazy. But they put a deadline of 20th of December. Why not push the release to the first or second week of December. October is too soon.

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I’m ok with a delay, as long as they take azerite, corruption, legendary cloack grind, neck essences, and every systems from BFA out of the game.

A six month delay? Not without a new content patch for BFA, that or they would see a huge drop in paid sub numbers.

The people saying they can’t handle the corruption crack me up. Easy inspection shows they are doing nothing in the game the really requires it in the first place yet they can’t stand it. Typical forum goers, living on the forums complaining about content they aren’t even playing. Always the loudest.

Regardless, no delay.


Where is your authority coming from with this opinion on a delay, especially a 6 month delay?

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They would delay for 6 months but only put in 1 month of work before release while milking everyone’s pre-orders and sub fees for their weekly chests.