We Get It, Blizzard

Blizzard manages server population. That’s their responsibility. It’s a really weird take to blame players for an activity Blizzard has direct control over. The monthly sub fee comes with the expectation that they’ll manage their own servers.


Yeah, players do whatever is expedient that they can get away with doing. It’s a game and the rules are completely arbitrary. The developers have complete control.

Back in the day Bliz literally locked factions to make the servers balanced. They can do it again. They’re so caught up in being popular that they end up peeving everyone off by not doing things they need to do because of fear the community will complain.

The marketing department took over the dev process at Bliz HQ and they need to butt out and let real game designers, devs, and sysadmins do their thing - or maybe hire some.


Take responsibility for your actions. You chose to transfer. Both players and Blizzard are to blame.


I’ve never transferred.

  • Blizz sees server populations
  • Blizz controls server populations
  • Blizz provides the service to transfer

The problem with server imbalance ends with Blizzard. I know you understand this.


And players chose to transfer

And neither have I. Players chose to transfer. You know this.

What does that even mean?

I’m going to assume you are poorly trolling if you don’t understand how Blizzard bears responsibility for managing a live service.

Its a tough spot to be in.

Either way people would be mad.

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Both parties are responsible: blizzard for their lazy implementation and players for their selfish, short-sighted destruction of the realms with transfers

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I can imagine the salt in the wound of retail devs, when they found out people would rather play the 15yo “better” version of the game.

Use whatever copium you want, DF is also a fail.
Subs dropping left and right.

There will not be another truly successful WoW X-Pac.
Retail is dead.
WoW “jumped the shark” a long time ago.

Yes we do, everyone wants it!!!11one

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