We double jumping in TWW baby!

Lighter Than Air - Roll causes you to become lighter than air, allowing you to double jump to dash forward a short distance once within 5 sec.

It’s an air dash, not a DH-esque double jump.


Yes it’s more of a Genji’s double-jump.

It’s not like the other classes that get a glide attached. The fact we have to roll first just to double jump? I’m not interested in this conditional.
Bored. Would rather not.

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Can i use that to avoid fall damage?

Yes, although the buff is a 5s duration after casting Roll so have to plan.

Some folks won’t be happy with anything I suppose ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Yeah, this is easily my favorite new talent


Yes. Roll in mid-air then dashing “resets” the height from which you’re falling.

Saw a streamer do it in Alpha testing last night.

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Apparently you can also water walk during the 5 second ligher than air buff. Saw Megasett water walking in SW canals with it.

Makes sense if you think about it, you are lighter than air


Ok yeah, that’s mad cool. I don’t even care if it’s behind two “healer” talents as i saw someone here complain about…

The tree is a lot less laden with throughput talents so it leaves you more open to choice anyway


That was me, I complained about it. Feels too good to be on the healer side of tree, should be in middle so everyone can enjoy it equally


It does kind of seem like something that might function between swapped with flow of chi or something … but that talent is also kind of
Something useful to everyone …

I think swapping chi proficieny and swift art might make it more appealing.

I’d just swap Lighter than Air with Windwalking and turn Windwalking into a 1 pt talent that gives +5% run speed to raid.

I think we can all agree the current 2%/4% 2 pt Windwalking is going to be the most dead talent to have ever existed.


Yes … I think that should definitely be %5 and 1 point … I have never seriously used it for the entire expansion and even with a rework it’s still gated behind another talent I do not want lol.

i don’t care if its optimal- once i spec it, its never coming off.


It’s odd that it’s a “capstone.” This feels like something that belongs mid tree.

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Super cool flavor wise! Always wanted this for Monk. Part of why I rolled monk was that I wanted to play a spec that had a lot of fun, novel mobility options. More weird mobility options please!


I think it’s because Monk’s don’t have any general abilities (for any spec) that’s good enough for the capstone level. That’s why we initially received the totems as the capstone and now movement talent abilities.

Touch of Death is a potential contender but it seems like they’ve already done so.

I’d argue that monk doesn’t need more buttons to make powerful/meaningful capstones. Rather just improvements that push the envelope on what we have. That said, I’d be all up for old Zen Med to be a classwide capstone. 90% raid DR on any monk would be sick.