We don't want flying

Not to mention the StormPeaks in Northrend or all those places in Outlands that were only accessible via flight. I enjoyed having places that I can look forward to doing once I gain the flying skill. They designed those areas around flight. Whole areas in the game that were ONLY accessible with flight. New areas to explore! Places you cannot reach without a flying mount. Knowing that just up the hill from you in Hellfire is a entirely new area that you cannot reach while you are leveling, but is something to admire and explore once you achieve flight was a great feeling. A secret yet to open. The area above Throne of the Elements, or above Shattrath… The anticipation of visiting such areas was glorious, and part of the fun. Remember, they made such areas ONLY accessible with flight, and being max level. Now what do we have to look forward to? At max level we rep grind until we can unlock flying, just about the time Blizzard gives us new content like Argus or Timeless Isle, where flight is not available because reasons… Tell me, where is the thrill of exploring when you have to waste sooo much time trying to find the right path up a hill because there is only one and it is hidden between a number of ‘almost’ pathways that lead to nowhere. Seriously, having to travel a narrow passageway up and down cliffs and mountains only makes you feel more boxed in and annoyed. The freedom of flight is exactly that. Freedom to explore, to make your own choices to your destination. I miss that feeling that we used to have.


Yeah, that’s true. Rep grinds are so boring D:


we don’t want flying 60 likes

the very next post:
yes we do 242 likes


can you guys imagine how crappy invasions and any of the BfA content would be if we could fly?

why not just make the continent a flat circle, that would be super convenient

I want to get to max level and buy flying. I don’t wanna jump through arbitrary hoops a year into the expansion.


Stay on the ground if you don’t want to fly. Don’t expect other players to play by your standards when we all pay a monthly sub. Right now hoping activ replaces the devs and gives us some that won’t delay flying anymore.


And frankly, this is why I am happy that flying doesn’t return before 8.2. No concessions on pro-flyers? Then wait.

All good from my perspective. Would only be better with an outright ban on flying.

Whose we ??

The Borg Collective.

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The cool part about flying is it can be a choice. If you don’t want to fly you don’t have to. Not allowing flying for others , for whatever selfish reason, just seems dumb.
With how bad this expansion is going I don’t think the developers would be that dense to not allow flying… never mind. It wouldn’t surprise me if they went full derp, and made this expansion no flying. Let’s see how bad they can make it!


If that happens and subs drop more. Would be surprise to see how fast Actv replaces them. Then maybe the game will be great again.


Blizz is gonna add flying in 8.3 by which time itll be irrelevant. Watch.

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Hopefully actv is closely monitoring them and the flux of players. Which would push for change next expansion.

Tbh Activision doesnt care so long as a profit is made. Not just with Wow but for other games.

A recent example the Spyro Trilogy is unfinished, chock full of bugs, glitches and motion blur issues which havent been fixed or addressed by the company in question.

Were you not around in WOD? No flying destroyed my raiding guild of people I played with for years and made RL friends out of. The sub drop was massive.


I wonder how many more flying mounts will be added for 25 or 30 bucks a pop by then?

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Says it!


I find that very hard to believe considering that…

49% of the payerbase has Draenor Pathfinder
70% of the playerbase has Legion Pathfinder P2
50% of the playerbase has BfA Pathfinder P1

The BfA Pathfinder number are sure to go up when P2 hits. Draenor hit so late many just didn’t bother if they didn’t already have the requirements so it’s logical that the first one has lower numbers.

A majority of the people who play this game complete Pathfinder, at minimum about half. I find it very hard to believe that not a single person you know who plays falls in that half.

Hyperbole doesn’t help your case.

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son, I couldnt care less what someone on the internet chooses to believe, and I have ZERO to prove to YOU personally.
If you choose to go thru your life believing that anything you dont like is a lie and everyone around you is liars if you disagree with them, that is on YOU.
no one has anything to prove to YOU…
Easy enough?

Hyperbole doesn’t help your case.

Nor does your assumption that you know more about the world than it knows about itself help yours.
Reality is what it is. It frankly doesnt care what you think.

Qrys: level 25, 80 achieves.
Raiyyn: level 120, 22K+ achieves.

I’d say its clear who really does know more, about this ‘world’.

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