Its crazy that there are people out there that want something removed that they don’t like, even though it is optional. This same mentality was behind the prohibition.
If you don’t want to fly: DON’T. How hard is that? Are you really forced to if it is available? I hope you aren’t the same way with cookies or diabetes is in your future.
Is it now?
Remember all of the spam for gold sellers?
Remember the hacked accounts?
Remember players being scammed in game?
Remember all of the tickets this caused?
Remember players crying how this ruined the game and expected blizz to have a team dedicated to finding them and banning them?
All of that would have cost blizz money to ban (for all intents and purposes) paying customers.
You really think devs watched as millions of dollars were being made off of their games by 3rd parties and that those companies didn’t want that money?
Companies had 3 choices.
Spend money on resources playing whack-a-mole.
Build games that didn’t allow these types of transactions.
Or Implement those exact practices inti their games in the form of cash shops.
Almost a billion dollar a year business. Sure guys come make free money off our product. Lol
Seems like people that don’t want flying don’t want you to have flying either. They wont just “not use flying” because they don’t want to gimp themselves against flying players. So they don’t want it but no one else can have it either.
Buying gold, accounts, boosts, from 3rd parties is still very lucrative.
Quick google search and a factory phone reset shows that. LOL
Hiwever back on topic. I think flying should be unlocked by at least by mid expansion.
Also I do like path finder.
The rep grind becomes meh but I still think it’s better than buying it.
Right now I am here posting instead of playing because between pathfinder, the constant nerfing and continual class changes, Im finding that the game more annoys me than entertains.
ok dokie then…no flight till next expansion. Got it.
So how about we stop playing stupid games with flight in OLD expansions then?
I AINT running PF for two accounts in two OLD expansions.
I’ll quit playing the game and take the $1000+ I spent on WoW in the last 12 months somewhere to a game that doesnt annoy me as much first.
Speak for yourself Op, there are a lot of people that do. Some of us are waiting to level alts until flying is available, I do my world quests and whatnot and read the forums for now.
Yes, we do. I’m all for not flying while leveling but, after that, you should be able to buy the ability just like it was when this nonsense started in MoP. The people that want flying FAR outnumber the people that don’t. If many of you “don’t care at all”, as you put it, then it shouldn’t be a problem!